I know some will say I’m wearing a tin foil hat, but...


Jul 4, 2019
Our mediocrity is by design. I said it on grassy years ago and was met with, as I’m sure I’ll be met with now, considerable push back, as the subject threatens conventional wisdom and the like. But our “downfall”, I sincerely believe, is part of a larger, multi-billion dollar scheme to keep the product which is CFB, an exciting and competitive brand that will continue to produce unimaginable growth and success by stocking the SEC teams with top, south Florida talent. But in order for this to happen, a couple of things must happen.
1.) the NCAA must turn a blind eye to the bag game being played by certain schools and 2.) Miami can no longer be a major player on the CFB scene- period. This is being achieved via a deal being brokered between our university and the powers that be. We continue to hire unqualified coaches and prematurely extend them (how many times have we screamed (how in the **** do I know what’s wrong and how to fix it, but you don’t?!?! And you are making how ******* much to coach here?!?!” Think about it- how is it that EVERY SINGLE COACH WE’VE HAD SINCE BUTCH HAS BEEN LABLED “STUBBORN “?!?!?! We continue to buck the trend of running an offense (spread) that is conducive of the local talent here. This is not mere coincidence, folks, these people have been given a script to follow that intentionally makes us mediocre. Not to mention joining a weak *** conference that automatically pits two of Florida’s traditional powers against each other to ensure what we saw in the late 80’s and 90’s NEVER happens again, while we continually get ***D over by the refs each and every week with no complaints from our coaches?!?!- save for Richt and Shannon- the only two Canes that wouldn’t/couldn’t go with the program....
In return, the university attempts to shed the “thug U” moniker (yeah right🙄) while simultaneously whoring out our established brand to cash guaranteed checks from the ****** ACC and the NCAA.
Our school sold us out. Period. We will continue to pull overrated “star kids” (that’s right- the recruiting services are a part of this also) kids that we’re going to be Hurricanes regardless. They are given 4* s, but almost to a man, have a fatal flaw in their games. This is done to make it appear that we are stocked with talent and are still a desirable destination for top kids, but it too is smoke and mirrors. The kids with no flaws, the truly talented and correctly ranked 5* kids don’t go to Miami. Who wants to play for a mediocre team with a clown *** coaching staff? Sound familiar? And then we wonder why we have such a high blue chip ratio while looking like complete dog ****?
We’ve been had....
Hanlon's razor, my tinfoil wearing friend.

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I agree with him regarding two points. The ACC game officials and yes, a lot of Miami incoming recruits are highly OVERRATED! And believe it or not. Miami can be mediocre in football and still pull in the millions from the conference vis-a-vis television revunue and the NCAA cash cow and naturally Addidas.
The fact UM hasn't raised **** at every turn when we've been completely screwed by ACC officiating tells me a lot. As soon as we are out of contention, we suddenly see holding calls on the other team. We see targeting calls reversed. We see the other team actually committing more penalties than us. Weird, I know.
I'll assume you don't think Oswald got off three shots with that Carcano M91/38 working that bolt-action in 8.3 seconds as Kennedy was moving away in a moving car.