Well hopefully these players get over it and pick themselves back up because they have just a good a chance as anyone in the coastal play in the ACC championship game.
So they either sulk and feel sorry for themselves like you guys are doing for them or they use the pain they felt last night as the ultimate motivation to go out and do what it takes to hopefully get a rematch with these Noles.
Well hopefully these players get over it and pick themselves back up because they have just a good a chance as anyone in the coastal play in the ACC championship game.
So they either sulk and feel sorry for themselves like you guys are doing for them or they use the pain they felt last night as the ultimate motivation to go out and do what it takes to hopefully get a rematch with these Noles.

For the kids sake I hope they say **** the bull**** and ball out and make the coastal ship... Rather it be against FSU or Clemson... They know we should be 5-0 right now!
That pain look on their faces at the end of the game, especially Jamal Carter. They wanted it man i empathize the pain they endure made me wanna cry and I didn't play.... they deserve better.

Really U guys feel bad for the kids, U mean the same kids that took sissy pictures acting like f a g s, the same kids that have stuck their neck out for Golden by TAKING UP FOR HIM INSTEAD OF KEEPING MOUTHS SHUT..... I DONT FEEL BAD ONE BIT, the same kids that take up for NOCOACHD...... DONT FEEL BAD AT ALL
Repeat our kids are soft as butter I DONT FEEL **** FOR THEM..... Clemson going to get a hold of them and spank dat ***..... U WAS LUCKY IT WASNT 35 - 10 at the half

I'm totally convinced your that nole troll Ms "Juannatakeitintheassinlilhavanna" like your 31st account... i bet your mom wish she took the **** on her face and not the place in between her waist u lil goldenb*tch
That fat ****** coach is costing the players millions of dollars. NFL scouts look at UM as Marshall's at this point. They know that they can go to UM and get great merchandise for a fraction of what it would cost at a Neiman Marcus-like program like O*U. If Folden cared about the players he would have resigned a couple of years ago. Folden is all about grabbing paychecks at the expense of the players.
That fat ****** coach is costing the players millions of dollars. NFL scouts look at UM as Marshall's at this point. They know that they can go to UM and get great merchandise for a fraction of what it would cost at a Neiman Marcus-like program like O*U. If Folden cared about the players he would have resigned a couple of years ago. Folden is all about grabbing paychecks at the expense of the players.

If they wanted it so bad, they would have played harder.

Correct they didn't seem to give a lick about walking out of Cincy with a L, and then we have players taking sissy pictures, young Cane fans are easily amused they put in one quarter and they happy
I was about to start a thread on this. I hated seeing that. You know, of all the stupid things the media and our chinstrap wearing sector of the fan base says, "support the players" is by far the most irritating.

If you really supported the players, you'd be hoping for Folden to be ousted. In their fat heads, supporting Golden = supporting the players. However, if you saw Jamal Carter, Stacy Coley, and a few others sitting there defeated on the bench while they watched FSU celebrate, you'd open your ****ing eyes and realize pushing for Golden's firing IS supporting the players.

These dudes deserve better. They bust their *** and have no choice but to listen to these fat football terrorists or risk riding the bench behind some 5'5 150 lb walk-on. They want to win big games but they're being guided by a ****ing clueless *******. We're wasting another round of future NFL players by racking up the L's.

They deserve a real coach.

Nobody tied the players hands up when they took the sissy pictures, players have come out and supported Golden and NOCOACHD and players have bashed the U fan base for trashing on the coaches...... DID THE PLAYERS SHOW A LOT OF HEART AT CINCY? ( NO THEY DID NOT) Soft *** U fans wanna pat these pansy U players on the back GTFO