How to attract an elite coach???

You offer them an opportunity to blast themselves into the top stratosphere of coaching by taking the world's greatest access to talent and challenging them to do something with it. Not complicated.

But the only guys willing to accept that pitch are "up and comers" or assistants.

Take a look at the final top 25 from this year ... What established coach, from that list, really believes Miami gives them a better shot than their current school to win anything?

We probably missed two opportunities by not hiring Patterson in 2006, or Mullen in 2010 ...
Simple. You offer them a salary commensurate to their abilities. Simple.

You think Patterson comes here to coach at the U knowing he won't get fan/alumni support for facility upgrades just for maybe a million more? NO because it makes his job that much harder when he is competing against the other schools for recruits.

TCU became a good football program when thier fans/alumni invested into the program and paid their coach a competitive salary to stay at TCU.

If you think for a second it's easier to recruit and win big at TCU than Miami you should be subject to a IQ test.

In case you haven't noticed, Miami's football stadium is being upgraded, as are our facilities. Pay a good coach to come here and he will. But you have to pay.

TCU finished #3 in the country ... Miami finished in the 60s ...

If you think Miami is closer/easier to "win big, you're the one needing the IQ test ...

And Ft. Worth, Texas is to Dallas, what Coral Gables is to Miami ... It's not really that difficult to recruit there ... Especially now that the school has committed resources.

And check the stats ... The state of Texas produces the most college recruits in the country. And those kids like to stay in-state.

TCU has never and will never get the type of recruits South Florida puts out. Never has never will.

At this point, we missed the boat on Patterson. He's so good he transformed that program. But we had our chance at him back in 2006 and in 2010. We just chose to go the cheap route.

Really TCU will "NEVER be able to get South Florida type recruits?"

Let me ask you a question, Why do these recruits decide to stay home at Miami? Answer:Because its easier for their families to support them and watch them play.

What happens when the NCAA decides to pay for travel expenses to all games, not just the national championship game? Well that inherent advantage goes away (its probably becomes a disadvantage because they NCAA is now giving families of players free vacations).
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Jimmy Johnson had an incredible pedigree as a coach before the OSU gig. Read up on him before you comment on his career.

Al Golden is easily the least qualified HC we have had in my lifetime.

Johnson was an "up and comer", when he was hired. I know all about Jimmy ...

You're allowing what he ended up becoming to cloud what he was when he was hired. 29-25-3 at Oklahoma State, which was his only job as a HC before Miami ... Never finished better than 3rd place in the Big 8 ... And had only been to 2 bowl games before getting to Miami.

None of that made it obvious what he would become.

No debate on Golden ...
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We have to invest in a quality AD and name a good president in order to get the right people evaluating HC talent. We have to have decisive leaders who will invest in the program. But If we can't loosen the $ belt enough to attract a present star HC then have the right people in place to find an up and comer.

I was thinking one guy who may become dissatisfied with his situation, given Urban Meyer and now Jim Harbaugh sucking up wins and recruits, might be Dantonio at MSU. I wonder if he might be a candidate to come here.
We have to invest in a quality AD and name a good president in order to get the right people evaluating HC talent. We have to have decisive leaders who will invest in the program. But If we can't loosen the $ belt enough to attract a present star HC then have the right people in place to find an up and comer.

I was thinking one guy who may become dissatisfied with his situation, given Urban Meyer and now Jim Harbaugh sucking up wins and recruits, might be Dantonio at MSU. I wonder if he might be a candidate to come here.

Very legitimate point.

Would he be ready to leave next season, though?
Jimmy Johnson had an incredible pedigree as a coach before the OSU gig. Read up on him before you comment on his career.

Al Golden is easily the least qualified HC we have had in my lifetime.

Looking solely at results is a thing on this board. "All that matters is the result!" A coach may have had a poor record at "x" place, but if you don't look at context, you'll have no idea how to project his potential success here.

Same goes for our players. All of our players apparently suck. Or, at least that's what has been yelled at continuously by some on this board. Only these same "results" people don't look at what the players are asked to do or in what environment.

The entire thing is ****ed.
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No one is saying get Saban or Meyer. They are at elite brand schools paying massive salaries and dont have anything left to prove.

But there are dozens of great coaches out there who aren't at elite brand schools, who will likely never win titles at their current schools, with lots to prove. Find one a pay him.

Dantonio, Bohl, Patterson, Peterson, Petrino, Butch; just the big names off the top of my head that will never win where they are at (save maybe Patterson), and have something to still prove. Any of those guys would turn us around EASILY. But you have to pay them and pay for their staffs.

It's a different day.

There is no promise of winning at Miami, based on the current landscape of college football. Everybody gets South Florida recruits ... And it will never be possible to keep all of the talent.

Those guys you list, except Butch, aren't coming just because we offer a big check. Maybe Petrino does ... But those others have zero interest in being in Miami, IMO.

It's not a different day. People get so caught up in the thinking that somehow teams are winning because of great facilities or other off the field factors. Football now is won the same as it always was: good coaching putting players in a position to be successful.

TCU is successful because they have a great coach. Baylor is successful because they have a great coach. Ohio State won the national title this year because they have a great coach. It has nothing to do with facilities, stadiums or the like.

As others have already pointed out, Miami sits smack dab in the middle of the most important "resource" of all: talent. That has not changed and will not change for a long time. So what if other schools get South Florida talent? That was happening even when Miami was #1. Miami will always be able to get more than enough talent from South Florida to win titles. All that is needed is the right coach to harness the talent.

I think some people have become defeated by the horrible coaching of Golden that they have lost sight of the big picture and think the program is dead. Miami is, and always will be, one coach away from a title. Miami is one of those schools that is a sleeping giant, like USC or Alabama.
No one is saying get Saban or Meyer. They are at elite brand schools paying massive salaries and dont have anything left to prove.

But there are dozens of great coaches out there who aren't at elite brand schools, who will likely never win titles at their current schools, with lots to prove. Find one a pay him.

Dantonio, Bohl, Patterson, Peterson, Petrino, Butch; just the big names off the top of my head that will never win where they are at (save maybe Patterson), and have something to still prove. Any of those guys would turn us around EASILY. But you have to pay them and pay for their staffs.

It's a different day.

There is no promise of winning at Miami, based on the current landscape of college football. Everybody gets South Florida recruits ... And it will never be possible to keep all of the talent.

Those guys you list, except Butch, aren't coming just because we offer a big check. Maybe Petrino does ... But those others have zero interest in being in Miami, IMO.

It's not a different day. People get so caught up in the thinking that somehow teams are winning because of great facilities or other off the field factors. Football now is won the same as it always was: good coaching putting players in a position to be successful.

TCU is successful because they have a great coach. Baylor is successful because they have a great coach. Ohio State won the national title this year because they have a great coach. It has nothing to do with facilities, stadiums or the like.

As others have already pointed out, Miami sits smack dab in the middle of the most important "resource" of all: talent. That has not changed and will not change for a long time. So what if other schools get South Florida talent? That was happening even when Miami was #1. Miami will always be able to get more than enough talent from South Florida to win titles. All that is needed is the right coach to harness the talent.

I think some people have become defeated by the horrible coaching of Golden that they have lost sight of the big picture and think the program is dead. Miami is, and always will be, one coach away from a title. Miami is one of those schools that is a sleeping giant, like USC or Alabama.

It's not a different day winning football games ... But it's a different day, in terms of hiring coaches. How many established college coaches are moving?

I don't think the program is dead. I agree, the right coach can get us back on track fairly quickly.

I just think finding the right coach is more likely to mean hiring an "up and comer" who becomes elite, than hiring someone already regarded as elite.
No one is saying get Saban or Meyer. They are at elite brand schools paying massive salaries and dont have anything left to prove.

But there are dozens of great coaches out there who aren't at elite brand schools, who will likely never win titles at their current schools, with lots to prove. Find one a pay him.

Dantonio, Bohl, Patterson, Peterson, Petrino, Butch; just the big names off the top of my head that will never win where they are at (save maybe Patterson), and have something to still prove. Any of those guys would turn us around EASILY. But you have to pay them and pay for their staffs.

It's a different day.

There is no promise of winning at Miami, based on the current landscape of college football. Everybody gets South Florida recruits ... And it will never be possible to keep all of the talent.

Those guys you list, except Butch, aren't coming just because we offer a big check. Maybe Petrino does ... But those others have zero interest in being in Miami, IMO.

It's not a different day. People get so caught up in the thinking that somehow teams are winning because of great facilities or other off the field factors. Football now is won the same as it always was: good coaching putting players in a position to be successful.

TCU is successful because they have a great coach. Baylor is successful because they have a great coach. Ohio State won the national title this year because they have a great coach. It has nothing to do with facilities, stadiums or the like.

As others have already pointed out, Miami sits smack dab in the middle of the most important "resource" of all: talent. That has not changed and will not change for a long time. So what if other schools get South Florida talent? That was happening even when Miami was #1. Miami will always be able to get more than enough talent from South Florida to win titles. All that is needed is the right coach to harness the talent.

I think some people have become defeated by the horrible coaching of Golden that they have lost sight of the big picture and think the program is dead. Miami is, and always will be, one coach away from a title. Miami is one of those schools that is a sleeping giant, like USC or Alabama.

So tell me why are schools like Baylor, TCU, USC, Alabama all investing in their football infrastructure? Do you think its because they don't know how to allocate their resources? USC sits on the same fertile recruiting grounds yet they still invest, why?

Could it be maybe they know attracting talent weather it be players or coaches requires a level of commitment into their infrastructure?

And don't get me wrong I'm not saying you have out compete those program but you have to stay competitive and not get left behind.
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It's not a different day winning football games ... But it's a different day, in terms of hiring coaches. How many established college coaches are moving?

I don't think the program is dead. I agree, the right coach can get us back on track fairly quickly.

I just think finding the right coach is more likely to mean hiring an "up and comer" who becomes elite, than hiring someone already regarded as elite.

If offered a competitive salary, I'm sure plenty of established coaches would take the Miami job. I'm not saying that Saban or Meyer would take the Miami job if offered because those schools are on the same level as Miami.

But is it easier to win at Miami or Michigan State? Miami or Mississippi State? It is easier to win at Miami than almost every other school in America. If Miami were to offer a competitive salary, I'm sure a great deal of established coaches (if they were smart) would jump at the chance to coach at Miami. Problem is that Miami has not been willing to offer higher salaries to date so it is difficult to prove this point one way or the other.
Doesn't matter what we offer ... An elite head coach is not leaving their current situation to come to Miami.

Times are different from the days of Howard and Jimmy.

We're either getting a coordinator from an elite program, or an "up and comer" from a mid-major.

Jimmy was not elite before Miami. He coached an also ran two bit school before us. Howard had great resume but had just gotten fired from NFL HC job and returned to Shula. Butch, Chud, and Greg all have similar status as JJ and to lesser degree Howard and could be hired for reasonable price. This is THE U, we just need a competent coach. We will make him elite.
So tell me why are schools like Baylor, TCU, USC, Alabama all investing in their football infrastructure? Do you think its because they don't know how to allocate their resources? USC sits on the same fertile recruiting grounds yet they still invest, why?

Could it be maybe they know attracting talent weather it be players or coaches requires a level of commitment into their infrastructure?

And don't get me wrong I'm not saying you have out compete those program but you have to stay competitive and not get left behind.

Those schools have the money to spend so they do and good for them. It looks good to keep up with the Jones as they say. But it has no effect on their ability to recruit or their on the field performance at the end of the day. 99% of coaches or recruits are not picking a university based upon facilities or stadiums. For coaches, it comes down to how much they are going to get paid. For recruits, it comes down to factors like proximity to home, playing time and their relationship with the coaching staff.

Yeah, Miami needs to make sure it has quality facilities, which it does. But "poor facilities" isn't why Miami has been losing and it won't ever be the reason. Miami has been losing because of bad coaching. That is it.
It's not a different day winning football games ... But it's a different day, in terms of hiring coaches. How many established college coaches are moving?

I don't think the program is dead. I agree, the right coach can get us back on track fairly quickly.

I just think finding the right coach is more likely to mean hiring an "up and comer" who becomes elite, than hiring someone already regarded as elite.

If offered a competitive salary, I'm sure plenty of established coaches would take the Miami job. I'm not saying that Saban or Meyer would take the Miami job if offered because those schools are on the same level as Miami.

But is it easier to win at Miami or Michigan State? Miami or Mississippi State? It is easier to win at Miami than almost every other school in America. If Miami were to offer a competitive salary, I'm sure a great deal of established coaches (if they were smart) would jump at the chance to coach at Miami. Problem is that Miami has not been willing to offer higher salaries to date so it is difficult to prove this point one way or the other.

I'll gladly take Dantonio or Mullen. I'm in!

But it will take more than just a big check for them to come, IMO ...

The staff salary pool has to be significant, and the on-campus facilities have to be competitive with Alabama and Auburn and Ohio State. Otherwise, neither of those coaches will think they have the support and resources required to compete at the level of expectations.

The stadium deal is what it is ... It's not on-campus, but it's a world-class facility.

But the indoor practice facility and increased staff support is mandatory. If the coach is expected to compete at an elite level, the facilities and staffing have to be elite. The history and access to recruiting area is not enough, IMO.
Doesn't matter what we offer ... An elite head coach is not leaving their current situation to come to Miami.

Times are different from the days of Howard and Jimmy.

We're either getting a coordinator from an elite program, or an "up and comer" from a mid-major.

LMFAO coaches go to programs that A) pay B) are easy to win at.

If u offered a great coach money he deserves, he'd come here. In other words, you are ****ing retarded.

You clearly don't make big money ...

At a certain point, salary, alone, means NOTHING.

Texas offered Saban $10MM ... He didn't leave Bama.

Coaches go where they have the resources to compete ... And if they already have that, why leave?

And being a place they can win requires more resources than just a "fertile recruiting ground".

But keep living in the 80's, thinking what worked then, will work today ...

Jesus another one of these morons who thinks for some reason it doesn't work today. The issue is COACHING. Thats why it appears like "it isn't the 80s". Have you seen where Miami plays? The facilities? NOT ONE KID IS TURNING DOWN MIAMI BC OF THE SIZE OF THE PLAYERS BATHROOM.

Miami has more natural resources than any school in the country. It's why we were able to win with 4 different HCs. The key is those HCs have to be great coaches. They can't be Al ******* Golden and Larry ******* Coker and Randy ******* Shannon.

Hire a great coach and in two years we'd be back.

The program won with 4 coaches because it was a different day ...

Howard was ahead of his time as a HC in college. He was running NFL stuff. That's not a big deal anymore.

Jimmy Johnson was an "up and comer". He's was getting beat, regularly in the Big 8. He was not an elite coach, when he was hired.

Dennis Erickson finished 9th and 3rd in the PAC-12 at WASU ... Again, not an elite coach.

And Butch was able to strike lighting with the team he put together.

The only plan that can be repeated is to grab a coordinator or "up and comer", and hope to be right again.

But no established, elite, coach is coming to Miami just because we write a big check. It's not gonna happen.

Where I do agree with you ... It won't take long to know when we have the right guy.

You're so wrong it's not even funny.
Honestly our biggest downfall is our fanbase. We are on the verge on having an in-door practice facility and in an area, where if you succefully recruit, could dominate. We have legendary tradition at our finger tips. Pay an elite coach and they will come!
LMFAO coaches go to programs that A) pay B) are easy to win at.

If u offered a great coach money he deserves, he'd come here. In other words, you are ****ing retarded.

You clearly don't make big money ...

At a certain point, salary, alone, means NOTHING.

Texas offered Saban $10MM ... He didn't leave Bama.

Coaches go where they have the resources to compete ... And if they already have that, why leave?

And being a place they can win requires more resources than just a "fertile recruiting ground".

But keep living in the 80's, thinking what worked then, will work today ...

Jesus another one of these morons who thinks for some reason it doesn't work today. The issue is COACHING. Thats why it appears like "it isn't the 80s". Have you seen where Miami plays? The facilities? NOT ONE KID IS TURNING DOWN MIAMI BC OF THE SIZE OF THE PLAYERS BATHROOM.

Miami has more natural resources than any school in the country. It's why we were able to win with 4 different HCs. The key is those HCs have to be great coaches. They can't be Al ******* Golden and Larry ******* Coker and Randy ******* Shannon.

Hire a great coach and in two years we'd be back.

The program won with 4 coaches because it was a different day ...

Howard was ahead of his time as a HC in college. He was running NFL stuff. That's not a big deal anymore.

Jimmy Johnson was an "up and comer". He's was getting beat, regularly in the Big 8. He was not an elite coach, when he was hired.

Dennis Erickson finished 9th and 3rd in the PAC-12 at WASU ... Again, not an elite coach.

And Butch was able to strike lighting with the team he put together.

The only plan that can be repeated is to grab a coordinator or "up and comer", and hope to be right again.

But no established, elite, coach is coming to Miami just because we write a big check. It's not gonna happen.

Where I do agree with you ... It won't take long to know when we have the right guy.

You're so wrong it's not even funny.

Honestly our biggest downfall is our fanbase. We are on the verge on having an in-door practice facility and in an area, where if you succefully recruit, could dominate. We have legendary tradition at our finger tips. Pay an elite coach and they will come!

You're entitled to your opinion.

Here's what I know:

In the past 35 years, so since 1980, no coach hired by The University has been an established, elite, head coach at the time they were hired.

Out of the 4 guys who won titles for UM ... Only 1 of them has proven to be an elite coach. Howard didn't win anyplace else, including an Oklahoma program Bob Stoops resurrected from the dead. Erickson can't even get a HC job, anymore. And Coker is Coker. Jimmy is elite. But he wasn't when he was hired.

Recruiting isn't the issue for this team. There is enough talent on the team to compete right now, with the right coach. Golden has good recruiting classes ... That's not the issue. The issue is he can't coach.

You know who has legendary tradition? Tennessee. And we're about as relevant as they are, today. Take a look at the coaches they've hired, recently ... And it hasn't been for lack of ability or willingness to pay an elite coach. Nobody, who's established, wants/needs to make a move.

The landscape for coaches is different today.

When are y'all gonna figure out ... Just because we LOVE Miami doesn't mean everybody else does?

It's like this love affair some of y'all have with Butch ... Nobody else holds him in the esteem some Miami fans do.

The Miami job is not a great job, objectively. It's not highly desired. And just because you want it to be, doesn't make it so.

Shannon was hired because there wasn't a better option who wanted the gig. Golden was hired because there wasn't a better option who wanted the gig.

And it's more than the head coach salary that kept interest from being high. It's the facilities ... It's the support staff salaries ... It's the support staff positions ... It's the stadium fan support ... And it's the fan's expectations.

If it was just about paying the elite coach, Texas would have Nick Saban. Or, Michigan would have hired Les Miles instead of Brady Hoke. Or, Gus Malzahn would have gone to UNC, instead of Arkansas State.
So tell me why are schools like Baylor, TCU, USC, Alabama all investing in their football infrastructure? Do you think its because they don't know how to allocate their resources? USC sits on the same fertile recruiting grounds yet they still invest, why?

Could it be maybe they know attracting talent weather it be players or coaches requires a level of commitment into their infrastructure?

And don't get me wrong I'm not saying you have out compete those program but you have to stay competitive and not get left behind.

Those schools have the money to spend so they do and good for them. It looks good to keep up with the Jones as they say. But it has no effect on their ability to recruit or their on the field performance at the end of the day. 99% of coaches or recruits are not picking a university based upon facilities or stadiums. For coaches, it comes down to how much they are going to get paid. For recruits, it comes down to factors like proximity to home, playing time and their relationship with the coaching staff.

Yeah, Miami needs to make sure it has quality facilities, which it does. But "poor facilities" isn't why Miami has been losing and it won't ever be the reason. Miami has been losing because of bad coaching. That is it.

So UM alumni/fans and administration don't have the money to spend? Is UM the sisters of the poor?

I agree one component of getting a coach is salary, but that is not the only factor. Anyone that thinks so is not looking at the bigger picture. Ask any agent for any one of these coaches and salary is not only factor when deciding to relocate. There a reason jobs such as ND, USC are more desirable than UM and it has more to do with than just salary. Here are some of the reason jobs around the country are desirable.

The solution is simple increase your national profile that way you can attract and KEEP the coach of your choosing.

Miami has been doing a better job of upgrading its facilities but by no means is it done. To not have an Indoor Practice Facility in South Florida where in some seasons it rains most of the time, canceling practice is not doing any coaching staff any favors.

And people under rate this, lets say you do hook a great coach with only a competitive salary, how do you keep him when a higher profile program or the NFL comes to poach him? Do you just let him walk and hope to find another great coach like we did in the 80's? The chances of that happening in this day and age are very low.
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What the **** are you talking about? Howard and Jimmy were not elite when hired by UM nor Butch. Money walks and BS talks. UM offers a top 20 salary and just about every coach in America is interested less a few. The talent within a one hour drive is the differentiator over facilities.

Doesn't matter what we offer ... An elite head coach is not leaving their current situation to come to Miami.

Times are different from the days of Howard and Jimmy.

We're either getting a coordinator from an elite program, or an "up and comer" from a mid-major.