How much longer until we declare LT officially a bust?

Nov 22, 2022
Through six games, our projected 1st round DT has 6 total tackles - 3 solo and 3 assists. He has 1 TFL and 1 sack (I assume this is the same play). His per game production has gone WAY down this year. I get that he is getting double teamed....blah blah blah. You know who was a 1st round DT last year? Jalen Carter. You know who got double teamed a lot in college? Jalen Carter. And you know who made a ton of plays anyway? Yup, Jalen Carter. No, I'm not riding Jalen's meat here. Rather I'm simply pointing out that LT has pulled a Houdini this season after being projected as a first rounder next spring. He disappears in big games, admits to being out of shape and taking plays off. To me, he epitomizes MannyBoyz - cool hashtags and social media presence, but me-first to the core. He reminds of Marvin Austin when he was at UNC. Loads of hype. Lots of flash and even more disappointment.

Before the "I never said he was a first rounder" crowd jumps in here, I agree - he shouldn't be a first rounder. Thing is, this post is about him being a bust. He came in as a 5 star and has not lived up to the billing at all. I'm not talking talent here; I'm talking production. Jared Harrison-Hunte, a 3 star, has produced as much as LT (statistically speaking). I have links to LT's, Jalen Carter's and JHH's stats below for reference.

So the question is....."Do you think LT is a bust?"

LT college stats:

JC college stats:

JHH college stats:
He was a 5 star because of his physical ability but he hasn't lived up to that billing because he lacks football intelligence and competitive instinct.
I don't want that to be the case, but it seems that way, doesn't it?