How Far the SEC is willing to go for a DT Recruit! UM can't


Aug 7, 2012
As you read this keep in mind Darius Paige ended up attending Foley HS and eventually signing with Bama without an NCAA investigation, hmmm.

Alabama accused of encouraging recruit to transfer to high school that would “take care of him”
Aug 9th, 2012 @ 10:01 am › Michael Carvell

One of Alabama’s top football recruits was allegedly encouraged by an Alabama assistant coach to transfer high schools to help with his academics, according to the Pensacola News Journal.

Defensive tackle Darius Paige transferred from Washington High School in Pensacola, Fla., to Alabama’s Foley High School this week. Washington assistant George Schellang charged that Paige was encouraged to transfer by Alabama assistant Jeremy Pruitt.

“Darius came in the office one day during the summer after (former head) coach (Mike) Smith left and sat down and told me coach Pruitt, who is the Alabama coach who was recruiting him, wanted him to go to Foley High School,” Schellang said. “Basically, he said (Foley High) could take care of him academically.

“My reaction was shock and dismay that a Division I coach would tell a high school athlete that he needed to transfer, that they had people there to help.”

In a Thursday story, Washington’s coaches stood by the allegations to the Pensacola News-Journal.

“When I talked to (Pruitt), he told me that he knew the coach at Foley (Todd Watson) really well and that he could take care of (Paige) academically,” Schellang said.
Was there a rule broken here?

You work for the NCAA or are you a Bama booster? A Bama coach actively participating in getting a kid to switch schools to a high school that is Bama-friendly and might find a way to take care of the kid's academic issues just might be against the rules.

The kid wouldn't feel obligated to go to Bama at that point if they made it so he could qualify?
SEC Bureau desk at NCAA headquarters...

Would love to see him troll Alabama only to commit to Auburn.
Was there a rule broken here?

I hope that was sarcasm, if not read below.

The kid was told to move from Pensacola, FL to Foley, AL where the Alabama DB coach at the time said he knew the head coach and Foley high school would ensure that Paige received grades that would allow him to meet NCAA eligibility. Auburn lost RB Jovon Robinson signee after he was enrolled because of grade fixing at his high school in Tennessee, but Bama gets nothing. Robinson went the Juco route an is now recommitted to Auburn.

So even within the $EC there is a hierarchy of protection.

Go Canes
Pruitt? Haven't we heard that name before?

He was Florida State's defensive coordinator last year, as the Seminoles won their first national title since 1999. He was Alabama's secondary coach from 2010-12, a stretch that includes two national titles. And he was Alabama's director of player development in 2009, which the Crimson Tide won its first crystal football under Nick Saban.*

Here is a Sports illustrated article about Pruitt and his family ties in Alabama.

Pruitt was the Def Coor at Hoover HS when they shot the MTV show 2 A Days
Pruitt? Haven't we heard that name before?

He was Florida State's defensive coordinator last year, as the Seminoles won their first national title since 1999. He was Alabama's secondary coach from 2010-12, a stretch that includes two national titles. And he was Alabama's director of player development in 2009, which the Crimson Tide won its first crystal football under Nick Saban.*

Here is a Sports illustrated article about Pruitt and his family ties in Alabama.

Pruitt was the Def Coor at Hoover HS when they shot the MTV show 2 A Days

You remind me SO much of him. R.I.P