How far can Golden and the present staff take us?

9-10 wins tops...Golden has to get better as a game day coach and against "real" his entire HC career he's never beaten a team w/ a pulse
I know this will not be a popular opinion, but I'm convinced that Golden is a very smart dude with competent football coaching skills and excellent administrative ability. I'm hoping that the team's performance this past year (coupled with the PSU fiasco) was a wake up call. He knows he no longer is a hot commodity. If he fails to make progress this year, his career may be in jeopardy. I'm hoping that realization is the tipping point and his concern over his own career trumps his loyalty to the defensive scheme and his best friend. I would not be shocked in the least to see a different defensive approach this year. Moreover, one thing Golden has over Randy is an indefatigable work ethic. When Randy's program started to sh*t the bed, he packed it in. Al will not do that. His *** is on the line. And generally guys like him respond well in those circumstances. This is certainly a gratuitously positive outlook given the state of the program right now, but there is some logic and factual bases to support it. I think we will have a better record next year than we did this year.
He can get us there (freakin Coker did) he just needs to put together a better staff. Need more technicians, as this staff has too many unproven "one trick pony recruiters."
The staff we've seen up to now is quite flawed. Ceiling is 2 or 3 losses a season.

That said, this staff is young, ambitious, and relatively inexperienced. There is a possibility they can learn and mature into a stellar bunch of coaches.
The staff we've seen up to now is quite flawed. Ceiling is 2 or 3 losses a season.

That said, this staff is young, ambitious, and relatively inexperienced. There is a possibility they can learn and mature into a stellar bunch of coaches.

This is what I'm saying. It seems all the haters on this board think the coaching staff is stuck in a vacuum. The coaches are definitely learning and getting experience and with better talent the on field product will get better. We just have to hope that Dorito got a rude awakening to what major conference defense needs to be the last few years and can adjust accordingly as his job is more on the line than anyone.
Mark Richt, IMO.

Richt actually has player development and was a dropped pass and bad time management at the end of the game away from going to the title game the year before this one. If Al were at that level, I would not be complaining. I dont think Al will reach that. 10 wins max with a respectable schedule is the ceiling imo. Strong schedule, 8 wins. If Al ever wants to go to a title game, we are going to have to start scheduling like UF and hope that FSU and Clemson fall off.
The staff we've seen up to now is quite flawed. Ceiling is 2 or 3 losses a season.

That said, this staff is young, ambitious, and relatively inexperienced. There is a possibility they can learn and mature into a stellar bunch of coaches.

This is what I'm saying. It seems some posters on this board think the coaching staff is stuck in a vacuum. The coaches are definitely learning and getting experience and with better talent the on field product will get better. We just have to hope that Dorito got a rude awakening to what major conference defense needs to be the last few years and can adjust accordingly as his job is more on the line than anyone.

The staff we've seen up to now is quite flawed. Ceiling is 2 or 3 losses a season.

That said, this staff is young, ambitious, and relatively inexperienced. There is a possibility they can learn and mature into a stellar bunch of coaches.

This is what I'm saying. It seems all the haters on this board think the coaching staff is stuck in a vacuum. The coaches are definitely learning and getting experience and with better talent the on field product will get better. We just have to hope that Dorito got a rude awakening to what major conference defense needs to be the last few years and can adjust accordingly as his job is more on the line than anyone.
I'm just curious as to what evidence you have seen that implies or expressly shows that these coaches are indeed "learning." Learning usually takes place through doing things and then seeing what works and what doesn't and then adjusting. If they were truly learning, they would see that what they have been doing is not working and they would adjust. Your last sentence even acknowledges this; if they were truly learning, you wouldn't have to hope that Dorito got a "rude awakening" these past few years.

The fact that you are hoping that a coach finally gets a "rude awakening" by year 4 is not very inspiring and isn't really a good indication of things to come. The fact that Golden has stated he is chugging forward with the same approach shows that he is stubborn and really not learning anything, considering how poorly his defensive units have performed his entire tenure here and throughout most of his career.
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I expect a 7-5 season next year with our schedule. Afterwards, he's going to whine what a tough schedule it was to begin with. If someone can enlightened me to watch a game where we looked like a complete team , please let me know so I can stop being such a Debbie Downer
The staff we've seen up to now is quite flawed. Ceiling is 2 or 3 losses a season.

That said, this staff is young, ambitious, and relatively inexperienced. There is a possibility they can learn and mature into a stellar bunch of coaches.

This is what I'm saying. It seems all the haters on this board think the coaching staff is stuck in a vacuum. The coaches are definitely learning and getting experience and with better talent the on field product will get better. We just have to hope that Dorito got a rude awakening to what major conference defense needs to be the last few years and can adjust accordingly as his job is more on the line than anyone.
I'm just curious as to what evidence you have seen that implies or expressly shows that these coaches are indeed "learning." Learning usually takes place through doing things and then seeing what works and what doesn't and then adjusting. If they were truly learning, they would see that what they have been doing is not working and they would adjust. Your last sentence even acknowledges this; if they were truly learning, you wouldn't have to hope that Dorito got a "rude awakening" these past few years.

The fact that you are hoping that a coach finally gets a "rude awakening" by year 4 is not very inspiring and isn't really a good indication of things to come. The fact that Golden has stated he is chugging forward with the same approach shows that he is stubborn and really not learning anything, considering how poorly his defensive units have performed his entire tenure here and throughout most of his career.

Learning happens constantly. Last year they thought they finally had the talent and conditioning they lacked the first two years so they ran the same bs defense and got man handled again. I don't take anything said in public by Golden as anything of value, he knows changes need to be made.

I'm hoping that looking back at their tenure they will realize the changes that need to be made and subsequently make those changes. I believe they will make those changes and our defense will look better going forward. Anything else and at minimum coach D is out of a job.
i remember a banner flying over the orange bowl calling for butch davis to be fired. i also remember JUST A FEW MONTHS AGO this board buying one thanking Golden for doing such a great job. what a bunch of duchbags……….. let me know when the wind changes directions please

To be clear, that banner thanked Coach Golden for doing a good job of handling things through the NCAA mess.
lol to be clear…
We got 9 wins this year this is pretty easy national title how the talent on this team got 9 wins is beyond me
I know this will not be a popular opinion, but I'm convinced that Golden is a very smart dude with competent football coaching skills and excellent administrative ability. I'm hoping that the team's performance this past year (coupled with the PSU fiasco) was a wake up call. He knows he no longer is a hot commodity. If he fails to make progress this year, his career may be in jeopardy. I'm hoping that realization is the tipping point and his concern over his own career trumps his loyalty to the defensive scheme and his best friend. I would not be shocked in the least to see a different defensive approach this year. Moreover, one thing Golden has over Randy is an indefatigable work ethic. When Randy's program started to sh*t the bed, he packed it in. Al will not do that. His *** is on the line. And generally guys like him respond well in those circumstances. This is certainly a gratuitously positive outlook given the state of the program right now, but there is some logic and factual bases to support it. I think we will have a better record next year than we did this year.

Could not of said it better we won 9 games last year with no talent
He can get us there (freakin Coker did) he just needs to put together a better staff. Need more technicians, as this staff has too many unproven "one trick pony recruiters."
Coker got us there with a team that could have been corched by Jar Jar Binks and still won the 'ship. Once the Butch recruits dried up we took a nose dive.
I can see Golden getting us to an ACCCG every once in a while and possibly win it once or twice, if FSU and Clemson are down.
So I think his max is winning the ACCCG during an off FSU/Clemson year and getting us to a BCS bowl game but I don't see us winning a 'Ship with him.
This coaching staff is really bad. Rewatch the Rustled Athletic Bowl to know what these coaches bring to the table.