How do you think Dan Enos is doing?

I think our O came into this game averaging 5 yards a play. That was like 90th in the country.
Ints on him too? I’d say that’s on the qbs as well
It’s the QB’s fault that he handpicked for his offense over two guys with more experience. The failure is 💯 on Enos. He’s orchestrated everything on the entire offense.
Enos is what he is. Without the big formations and play action he has no offense.

He can try and go shotgun but he is not a shotgun guy and has no idea how to build a plan around a shotgun offense. Even today his shotgun plays were not design to breakdown the defense....they were just plays he ran regardless to the D formation.

It is a big reason the QBs struggle even in shotgun. they just call plays and do not account at all what the D is actually doing. He will run the same playaction X against a D's 10 different looks. Perry can't see a simple coming blitz even when his teammate is calling it out because he is not reading the D...he is just running play X. It is also why on those redzone plays don't work. Regadless to the D lineup he just runs play X.

This will continue....
It took him 3INT's & being down 21 points for him to kick into gear & start calling a better game.

While Perry did put up big numbers, it literally took for us to be getting beaten like a rented mule before he decided the offense we had been running all year wasn't gonna cut it.

The fact they're still sticking with Jarren for UVA clearly shows me this staff hates to admit their wrong decisions & will stubbornly keep trying to do sh*t that clearly doesn't work.

Jarren is gonna get pulled again vs UVA next Friday because that Defense is going to jump every short & outside route he tries to throw, they're going to bring heavy pressure & throw all kinds of looks at him just to force him to speed up his processing & throw the ball off platform.

Baker is the bigger problem than Enox, but the reality is the ENTIRE staff is the problem. They ALL need to go on both sides of the ball. We fcked up retaining the same Defensive staff from last year & we're going to pay for it until this administration cleans house & decides to conduct a real coaching search that lasts longer than 5 minutes.

Flake James needs to go to. We need a new AD, a new HC, a new OC & DC, otherwise we'll be a last place Coastal team for the next 4 years.
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I'm gonna say it every time someone brings him up. There's no way Saban was gonna let him run his CMU offense at Alabama. That's why he's here. Manny told him he could run that offense.
Manny hot him cause his offense probably bodied MSU when Manny was there.
With our Oline, I think he is severely handicapped with what he can call and what we can execute.
It took him 3INT's & being down 21 points for him to kick into gear & start throwing the ball around.

While Perry did put up big numbers, it literally took for us to be getting beaten like a rented mule before he decided the offense we had been running all year wasn't gonna cut it.

The fact they're still sticking with Jarren for UVA clearly shows me this staff hates to admit their wrong decisions & will stubbornly keep trying to do sh*t that clearly doesn't work.

Jarren is gonna get pulled again vs UVA next Friday because that Defense is going to jump every short & outside route he tries to throw, they're going to bring heavy pressure & throw all kinds of looks at him just to force him to speed up his processing & throw the ball off platform.

Baker is the bigger problem than Enox, but the reality is the ENTIRE staff is the problem. They ALL need to go on both sides of the ball. We fcked up retaining the same Defensive staff from last year & we're going to pay for it until this administration cleans house & decides to conduct a real coaching search that lasts longer than 5 minutes.

Flake James needs to go to. We need a new AD, a new HC, a new OC & DC, otherwise we'll be a last place Coastal team for the next 4 years.
See I agree with you. I can give Enos another year if Manny fires the whole defensive staff and hires a big name DC. And then let that DC pick his staff.