Off-Topic High End Brothels in DC, shocking!

Loads of Arab money in that area.

Interesting story time: when i first moved to the area back in the early 00s, there was an article in the WPost about a commercial construction project near Tysons corner. At one point in the project, a bunch of black SUVs appeared at the construction site out of the blue because the crew had apparently accessed some buried top-secret cable net work that was in none of the plans.

Back in the day, I was assigned to the Saudi account team of a former employer. Among the many stories I could tell, one is they WANT Jews handling their accounts, and they party really HARD when overseas, especially in Geneve.
Back in the day, I was assigned to the Saudi account team of a former employer. Among the many stories I could tell, one is they WANT Jews handling their accounts, and they party really HARD when overseas, especially in Geneve.
The Saudi prince used to use Nellis to fly in and out of when I was there. We were on the end of the flight line and he’d park his plane next to our jets. The dude had custom engines on his 757 because he had so much gold inside his plane. They’d pick him and his people up at the plane with like 15 S-class. They’d ride straight on the base then straight off (no security checkpoint). The stories of what that dude would get into were insane. He’d come back to his plane a few days later with those 15 s-class and a UHaul filled with all the stuff he bought. Those guys would go crazy in Vegas. You can do whatever you want when you have Saudi $.