herrerra on 560 kup and crowder

Big Willie smashed the interview. Kup also mentioned that the admin changed the sign rules to cover BJ's lie.

Admin looking petty as ****
We coached up Willie on his interview skills. This is the first of many. The way this suit is shaping up, the Athletic Department will likely have to start selling off assets to fund the settlement, cutting salaries, and being extremely frugal with all expense related items over the next several years.
I hope Willy H has all is financials and whatnot in order.

Miami gonna **** around and withhold his diploma.
In between all the great shtick in here, does anyone have a recap?
I missed it and it's not on the website yet. I caught the discussion afterward where Crowder played the Skip Bayless role of defending the school doing what they did and Kuperstein killing Blake James and the school.
Kid has already done more to deserve the Presidency of the USA than Obama before he was elected. Kid has actually stood up to oppression!!!! GO YOU MAN!
In between all the great shtick in here, does anyone have a recap?
I missed it and it's not on the website yet. I caught the discussion afterward where Crowder played the Skip Bayless role of defending the school doing what they did and Kuperstein killing Blake James and the school.

They always put their show recaps on twitter