Hangover Help!!

So because one source says so, I'm supposed to believe it? I'm frankly astonished by how quick adults are to simply accept anything they read instead of using their brains for base critical thinking skills.

How about I actually understand basic science? Sugar dehydrates you. Alcohol contains TONS of sugar (or, rather, IS a sugar). Dehydration significantly contributes to hangover symptoms. Sprite contains piles and piles of sugar. So by the dumbest logic on earth, more sugar now causes less dehydration?

But because you're this naive, I've got some snake oil that will cure all that ails you.
It is not one source as in musings in an article. It is a research project from a respected Chinese University. It’s scientific study. What has happened to this world that joe smo critical thinking is all we strive to do. We wouldn’t have cured polio if we left it up to just thinking hard. One needs to test possibilities. The main issue is acetaldehyde.

So, what are your thoughts on acetaldehyde which actually causes the symptoms of a hangover, including nausea, vomiting and a headache. Have you researched it? How do you tell people to remedy the acetaldehyde effect.

It is amazing how people will just dig in when they are wrong. People need to learn and grow. Man.
It is not one source as in musings in an article. It is a research project from a respected Chinese University. It’s scientific study. What has happened to this world that joe smo critical thinking is all we strive to do. We wouldn’t have cured polio if we left it up to just thinking hard. One needs to test possibilities. The main issue is acetaldehyde.

So, what are your thoughts on acetaldehyde which actually causes the symptoms of a hangover, including nausea, vomiting and a headache. Have you researched it? How do you tell people to remedy the acetaldehyde effect.

It is amazing how people will just dig in when they are wrong. People need to learn and grow. Man.
respected Chinese university?

The same one that will come up with cure for the Corona Virus?
No reports back yet?

A little perspective. This is just for the US since 2010.

Several Tylenol, several waters, a gatorade, a meal, and a pedialyte all before bed. Start the gatorade and food right after 9 when you stop drinking

It's also been proven to prevent hangovers by drinking a water between every alcoholic drink
Several Tylenol, several waters, a gatorade, a meal, and a pedialyte all before bed. Start the gatorade and food right after 9 when you stop drinking

It's also been proven to prevent hangovers by drinking a water between every alcoholic drink
Yep, agree. I was really good about trying to get a glass of water in for every drink when I was going at it hard. Saved my *** many many times.
I find that a good ****** before you sleep prevents a bad hangover the next day. Either poound some ***** or pornhub after your night out
it’s funny you say liquor before beer. I’m 23 and that’s all we used to go by in high school, “liquor before beer and you’re in the clear, beer before liquor and you’ve never been sicker”.

I’ve actually tested this quite frequently. My conclusion is that the only reason this is true is that you drink liquor much faster than beer, and it is stronger, causing you to get more drunk.

For me at least, if I shotgun 8 beers in an hour or whatever, then settle down to mixed drinks, I’ll be alright. But, if I have those same beers, then start doing shots, RIP

There may be some truth to the saying. Carbonated beverages cause alcohol to be absorbed quicker. If you start with beer the carbonation could cause the liquor afterwards to absorb more quickly. Beer is carbonated.
Several Tylenol, several waters, a gatorade, a meal, and a pedialyte all before bed. Start the gatorade and food right after 9 when you stop drinking

It's also been proven to prevent hangovers by drinking a water between every alcoholic drink
Absolutely DO NOT use Tylenol to try to get over a hangover. It contains acetaminophen, which is toxic to the liver. You are greatly increasing the stress on the liver and likelihood of scarring given that the thing already is trying to expel the alcohol.