GTF IN HERE - And state where you’re at

I was standing up for Manny 6 weeks ago saying people need to give him a chance. I saw all I needed weeks ago. After what we’ve seen over the past 15 years - We know better.

As distasteful as it might be for some, I want all of you who have been assailing guys like @We the Boss,@Canesmang, @OriginalGatorHater, @OBLIVION, @Dwinstitles, @rokulika, @WhatTheHell, @NicKane, @TheEye and others while defending this corching staph, to step up after what we’ve seen, and either confirm your continued support for this shîtshow staph or disavow your previous support now and acknowledge, like I have had to, that unfortunately the mega-mopes were right.

Let there be no doubt who stands where. And that includes you down low, non-posting downvoters. If you don’t step up, you’re getting called out and you’re getting torched for being low down pûssies.

Even my 2 cats are livid and looking to fight pit bulls. No mercy. Sweep the motherfûcking leg, Johnny.
I agree, have to fire AD and whole admin, and diaz and co. No other way around it. The whole thing needs burned to the ground.
I was against the hire. He sucked me in with his false bravado. I was ready to be done after GT. I got sucked back in after Louisville like Mike Corleone. Now I am done. 🤷🏻‍♂️
The entire athletic department is a **** farce being kept afloat by loyal cane football fans that buy tickets and gear.
They literally have no job to do but one and it shows they don’t give sht.
Our athletic department doesn’t have a men’s soccer team despite having access to sht load of local soccer talent. No gymnastics team.No softball team. No water polo. No lacrosse team. No to a bunch of other sht that other departments at other schools have to deal with.
And despite the fact they have a quarter of the size of other departments, they have disregarded the only sport in the whole **** campus that they can thank for their high paying job.
Last to upgrade anything including the ipf. And still lagging in locker room and other facility upgrades.
This department has the least amount of sports to deal with and literally all they have to do to keep their jobs is make the football team awesome
And the entire department benefits. Instead, that **** coyote ugly canine calendar model and loafer cuck keep hiring dogsht former semenholes and loserville mfers.
Sht ain’t changing until that entire admin is gone. Frenk better recognize and stop being a btch also and start putting foot in people’s asses.
This athletic department literally has one fckng job!! One job!!! And they’ve failed miserably for almost 20 years!!!! You can literally hire anyone to do what they’ve done!!!!
You know how much money a national champion in tennis’s brings the school? What about a diving champ?
But you know what sport suffers if the football team tanks?? Freaking all of them.
I’ve never seen so many people keep such a high paying job for failing year after fckng yer!!!
I’m in the zero ***** given camp and have been since GT, hated the hire to begin with but since it happened there isn’t much that can be done at this point. I have zero expectations outside of incompetence at every level of decision making. Diaz isn’t getting fired cause doing so would suggest firings across the board of the administration based on how the hiring even happened and the repetitive mishaps from hirings past. As long as they have a say in this they’re saving their asses at all costs as long as they can. If you’re expecting staff firings I wouldn’t hold your breath there either.

At this point you either accept the program for its current state or find better things to do with your time, it’s that simple.
Lol lots a cats jumping from the ship of Manwell, you guys got sucked into the hype, all produced by Manwell himself. I don't underatand how y'all figured this guy would succeed here to begin with, what had you seen. He won't be much different next year, he can fire who he wants, it wont matter. What GOOD coach is gonna come here and work for a dead man walking. Until they completely clean house nothing will change. You can't expect a good HC to come work here for these banana republic motherfukers