Gators to build indoor practice facility

Why can't the Frat's play on the field when it's not being used?

there's plenty of space by the IM fields to get an indoor facility,

but of course, current students will be against that. I mean where will frat stars have their cancer awareness softball tournaments?

of course they can. but I remember reading in the newspaper about the students being opposed to ANYTHING that will decrease the IM field size.

1. Fraternities' annual usage rate of the IM fields is less than 1%.
2. Of course students want to keep the IM fields. It's where they do a bunch of activities. The students aren't holding us back from moving forth to get a practice bubble or ipf
3. The band also uses it to practice
4. We should've just built a bubble or upgraded/redesigned the current pf to an ipf when we upgraded the field
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Here the Orlando Sentinel Article and Video on the UF announcement today on building thier IPF by Septemeber 2015

From the renderings it will be a nice facility unfortunately.

Back in October UF put on a Design Build RFP for $11.9 Million to build the IPF an they ended up approving $15 million for it. So how much do think Miami will have to pay in the south florida market?

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Even FAU is getting an indoor practice facility.



While I don't doubt we need an indoor practice facility, the fact that some other school is getting one is irrelevant to our situation. FAU has a very different situation. They have tons of open space. I almost went there for grad school many years ago, so I toured the campus. They had HUGE open tracts of land available, already owned, and easily built upon, all around the campus. That's where they were able to place their stadium and now their practice facility. UM is hemmed in on all sides by one of the most restrictive and anal retentive cities in the nation, and has very little remaining open land on campus. At FAU you could close your eyes and throw a dart at a map of their land and most likely end up hitting an open space ready for construction. At UM you have to carefully consider every square meter of property to figure out how to use what little is there.
I looked at the link and see that even the University of Louisiana-Lafayette has an indoor practice facility. Can Miami get on the ball FFS?
We lost a lot of funding when Nevin Shapiro got busted. Not just from him , but all the other South Florida Ponzi donors out there that simply got spooked, are laying low, and stopped donating.

This! I also think Donna and Co. got scammed by a few more Ponzi schemes than Shapiro's. Didn't Madoff ***** them, too?

Again, WORST RUN UNIVERSITY IN THE COUNTRY! Donations come in the front door and promptly disappear with some South Beach hustler. Just sad and beyond stupid!
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Who cares about the Gates? The U has one on the drawing board as well.
Indoor practice facility is a waste IMHO. We beat teams on e in a while bc we are used to the down pours.

1. Football Coaching staff
2. Baseball Coaching staff
3. On campus stadium
Indoor practice facility is a waste IMHO. We beat teams on e in a while bc we are used to the down pours.

1. Football Coaching staff
2. Baseball Coaching staff
3. On campus stadium

1. Will probably change after this year
2. Won't change soon
3. Never gonna happen
Indoor practice facility is a waste IMHO. We beat teams on e in a while bc we are used to the down pours.

1. Football Coaching staff
2. Baseball Coaching staff
3. On campus stadium

1. Will probably change after this year
2. Won't change soon
3. Never gonna happen

Okay. Move 2 to 3 and for #2, retractable roof over current practice field? No idea if that is even possible