Tears Gator Tears

Can someone please hijack this thread back on topic? It is as insanely useless as the who will the next coaches be thread.

what is the best place for soft pretzels in Miami? There I did it.
It is on topic.
Delusional gator on gator tears.
Doesn't get any more on topic than that.

We just don't need the screenshots right now.
Two more-recent ones than Miami does
Thankful for that squeaky clean Urban program of non criminals that didn’t get arrested over 100 times to thank for that little run.

Still, just a bridesmaid in the state of Florida and everywhere else.

How many coeds was Urban smashing during that time? Do you have any inside intel on that?
Thankful for that squeaky clean Urban program of non criminals that didn’t get arrested over 100 times to thank for that little run.

Still, just a bridesmaid in the state of Florida and everywhere else.

How many coeds was Urban smashing during that time? Do you have any inside intel on that?
*Mack Daddy Supreme in the State of Florida and the entire world
*Mack Daddy Supreme in the State of Florida and the entire world

Any insights regarding the Urban Coeds?? Oh, my heart!! Oh, my family!!

Imagine Meghan and Urban on campus at the same time? I mean, Holy Sh*t - break out the Dallas Cowboys White House!!
You're trying way too hard to get me to care about your posts, my dude.

Nah, when you go to the carnival, you watch the clowns. Maybe even crush a few in the dunk tank while you're at it. You're just a mosquito we swat at because, you know... mosquito. If you were smart enough to properly engage instead of ducking, running, and hiding in the corner like a toddler every time you get dominated it would be more fun. But you're not. You're small potatoes. You know it too. Maybe the next guy will be better.
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