Tears Gator Tears

No press conference happen :)
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I'm still dying at the thought of the Three and Out Trident, and the Gator Picture Booth. Those dudes have to be trolling. They're so corny and absurd, it has to be deliberate.
was listening to the DP show this morning and he was saying that as many as 11 coaches would be canned after the season.He also said he thought Chip would stay in college but if there's that many jobs coming open gotta believe hip will wait to see if he gets a call.
Whatever happened to CaneDynasty? I liked that guy
I was thinking that same thing today. I have a feeling he is still here.

Haven't seen him at the Y in a couple months. Matt drills just ain't the same.

The board isnt the same without him. His matt drill shtick was great. Always added the right amount of levity. Hope all is well with CD.

Go Canes!

was listening to the DP show this morning and he was saying that as many as 11 coaches would be canned after the season.He also said he thought Chip would stay in college but if there's that many jobs coming open gotta believe hip will wait to see if he gets a call.

As many as 11 NFL coaches, right?

Seems like there could be quite a few NFL openings and not many great candidates to fill them. Have to think Kelly might get a look.
This makes sense. About a 3rd of the NFL teams could be canning their respective coaches. It might make sense on why Kelly wants to wait it out. Him being interested in coming back to the college level has more to do with the lack of jobs available and anyone willing to hire him. If there's a chance he can stay in the NFL, I think he does it.
The SEC as a whole is a complete mess. There is no doubt that a part of the Alabag'a supremacy is because the coaching has gotten so poor. I heard a staggering statistic on Cowherds show that since the hiring of Saban, the SEC has seen 40 head coaches get fired.

They've all been chasing their tails trying to answer the question, "how do we beat Saban?" In doing so, they've let Les Miles (who actually beat Saban) and Mark Richt (Also has wins against Saban) leave the conference. Not just let go from their jobs, but actually leave the SEC while Butch Jones, Ed Orgeron and McEltooth were leading programs. Let that sink in for a minute.

The point is, the SEC is trash. Their decision making is trash. Their motive, "beat Saban," is grossly short-sighted. I completely expect the Gayturds to sell out and go all in an on offensive coach without actually doing any due diligence on the rest of their plan for the other 3 phases of the game (I consider recruiting a phase). In short, they will be reactionary, and they will absolutely bungle this decision and the tears will become a river. Watch.
Are you related to me???

^^^This just warms my Hanukkah candle burning heart.
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The SEC as a whole is a complete mess. There is no doubt that a part of the Alabag'a supremacy is because the coaching has gotten so poor. I heard a staggering statistic on Cowherds show that since the hiring of Saban, the SEC has seen 40 head coaches get fired.

They've all been chasing their tails trying to answer the question, "how do we beat Saban?" In doing so, they've let Les Miles (who actually beat Saban) and Mark Richt (Also has wins against Saban) leave the conference. Not just let go from their jobs, but actually leave the SEC while Butch Jones, Ed Orgeron and McEltooth were leading programs. Let that sink in for a minute.

The point is, the SEC is trash. Their decision making is trash. Their motive, "beat Saban," is grossly short-sighted. I completely expect the Gayturds to sell out and go all in an on offensive coach without actually doing any due diligence on the rest of their plan for the other 3 phases of the game (I consider recruiting a phase). In short, they will be reactionary, and they will absolutely bungle this decision and the tears will become a river. Watch.

I like your thought process there