Tears Gator Tears

Not sure if this has already been discussed but can a school really not pay a buyout bc they didn't "find any evidence" that McElteeth and his players received death threats??

And I missed it, what the **** does saying you received death threats have to do with a buyout anyway?
He's basically begging to be fired, smh out of all the Corches in College Football, McSharkfuker has to be the worst.
The man has no pride, no balls & no heart at all. ****, even Borch Jones is a self described #LifeChampion

Also, LMAO @ BJ Hendo, Brian Edwards, Shawn Davis & Kemore Gamble... Smh yall boys fell for it, I hope whatever they gave you was really worth it.

That dude is a straight up quitter and a coward. He has not once reiterated that he 'wants to be there' or 'wants to turns things around'. He has not turned to defending his record the last couple of seasons with the SEC East championships.

He has conceded defeat and is looking for a way out -- while getting that big paycheck.

His team will likely lose all remaining games given what they now know about their corch. Nothing worse than a head coach with no heart.
Not sure if this has already been discussed but can a school really not pay a buyout bc they didn't "find any evidence" that McElteeth and his players received death threats??

And I missed it, what the **** does saying you received death threats have to do with a buyout anyway?

It has yet to be proven that he or anyone else recently received death threats; lying about death threats is a ****** thing to do that makes to program look bad (lol).

I don't imagine UF really cares at all about it though, they're just interested in firing him and want to know how cheaply they can do it. He'll be fired eventually regardless.
Not sure if this has already been discussed but can a school really not pay a buyout bc they didn't "find any evidence" that McElteeth and his players received death threats??

And I missed it, what the **** does saying you received death threats have to do with a buyout anyway?

The school is looking for cause to can him.Cause gives the school leverage and saves them part or all of the 12.5 million dollar buyout.Losing is not cause to not pay it.

Receiving death threats and not reporting them puts the players,their families,not to mention McSharkfkker and his family,in immediate danger.Not to mention looking bad for the school itself. This gives cause to the school to can him and not pay all or a negotiated amount of the 12.5 million.
Not sure if this has already been discussed but can a school really not pay a buyout bc they didn't "find any evidence" that McElteeth and his players received death threats??

And I missed it, what the **** does saying you received death threats have to do with a buyout anyway?
There's numerous angles to it. The first part is that if he had received death threats directed at himself and especially his players he has a duty to report that to the university so that they may take steps to protect their student athletes, he did not. Secondly, when approached by the university and asked to provide more information so they could do their jobs he refused to. So he's keeping UF from doing what they're legally obligated to do. How many people get to tell their bosses to **** off and keep their job?

That they've found no evidence on their own to support his claim just makes it that much worse. He's put both the university and its fan base in an extremely negative light based on a lie just so he could get sympathy points. None of us would keep our jobs under a similar circumstance and he will rightfully be fired. The dumbass thought making up death threats would incur sympathy for his **** performance and it will be those fake dearh threats that loses him his job. Good riddance to that whiny, excuse making POS.
Not sure if this has already been discussed but can a school really not pay a buyout bc they didn't "find any evidence" that McElteeth and his players received death threats??

And I missed it, what the **** does saying you received death threats have to do with a buyout anyway?
There's numerous angles to it. The first part is that if he had received death threats directed at himself and especially his players he has a duty to report that to the university so that they may take steps to protect their student athletes, he did not. Secondly, when approached by the university and asked to provide more information so they could do their jobs he refused to. So he's keeping UF from doing what they're legally obligated to do. How many people get to tell their bosses to **** off and keep their job?

That they've found no evidence on their own to support his claim just makes it that much worse. He's put both the university and its fan base in an extremely negative light based on a lie just so he could get sympathy points. None of us would keep our jobs under a similar circumstance and he will rightfully be fired. The dumbass thought making up death threats would incur sympathy for his **** performance and it will be those fake dearh threats that loses him his job. Good riddance to that whiny, excuse making POS.

Can't agree with this. Was hoping he'd still be there at the beginning of 2019 when we curb stomp their a$$es.
Here is what is so funny about the whole death threat debacle.

If you go back to McSharkfvcker's initial comments, he was just tossing off his word salad, as he has done before. Talking in cliches. Rambling.

What he said about "death threats" was very generalized, and easily could have included the "drop dead, Mac" type of comments that fans were probably yelling. He never gave specifics about whether it was e-mail, phone calls, etc. It was just some sort of vague allusion to what tends to happen when most of the fans are angry at you.

And instead of the press or the fans throwing the guy a lifeline (i.e., nobody asked Nick Saban if the press was, literally, giving poison to his players and, if so, why he hadn't reported it to the authorities), everyone in Gaytor Nation decided to freak the fvck out and act as if his words were the most literal and specific words he had ever uttered. Even though the Corch never repeated or added specifics, and instead seemed to back off (just a bit, not a lot), the Gaytor fan sharks smelled blood in the water and treated EVERYTHING as if it were a serious crime.

This reminds me of when Kellen Winslow made the "soldier" comments. Even though football coaches and players have made military metaphors for decades, suddenly KW II was saying something "outrageous" and "offensive".

The bottom line is that the UF administration and the Gaytor fans WANT to misinterpret everything that McSharkfvcker says, so that they can get rid of him. And, at this point, it has gone so far that there's really no way that even the biggest Corch supporters can justify keeping him.

Sad. I was hoping we would have him to kick around a couple of years longer.
Here is what is so funny about the whole death threat debacle.

If you go back to McSharkfvcker's initial comments, he was just tossing off his word salad, as he has done before. Talking in cliches. Rambling.

What he said about "death threats" was very generalized, and easily could have included the "drop dead, Mac" type of comments that fans were probably yelling. He never gave specifics about whether it was e-mail, phone calls, etc. It was just some sort of vague allusion to what tends to happen when most of the fans are angry at you.

And instead of the press or the fans throwing the guy a lifeline (i.e., nobody asked Nick Saban if the press was, literally, giving poison to his players and, if so, why he hadn't reported it to the authorities), everyone in Gaytor Nation decided to freak the fvck out and act as if his words were the most literal and specific words he had ever uttered. Even though the Corch never repeated or added specifics, and instead seemed to back off (just a bit, not a lot), the Gaytor fan sharks smelled blood in the water and treated EVERYTHING as if it were a serious crime.

This reminds me of when Kellen Winslow made the "soldier" comments. Even though football coaches and players have made military metaphors for decades, suddenly KW II was saying something "outrageous" and "offensive".

The bottom line is that the UF administration and the Gaytor fans WANT to misinterpret everything that McSharkfvcker says, so that they can get rid of him. And, at this point, it has gone so far that there's really no way that even the biggest Corch supporters can justify keeping him.

Sad. I was hoping we would have him to kick around a couple of years longer.
He wasn't misinterpreted at all. He unprompted brought up death threats in response to a question about the teams performance implying that his job had been made more difficult by fans threatening his family and players. That's not a generalized statement, why would general fan misbehavior be making HIS job harder? Not to mention he clarified in his second press conference that his family had received death threats but that he hadn't reported them and didn't plan to because he felt the threats were 'manageable ' whatever that's supposed to mean. So there's no misinterpretation.
Dear Randall “****” Shannon,

We as the University of Florida board of trustees and alumni would be honored to have you as our football program’s team leader and Head football coach for the next several weeks. We find you as a good fit - both spiritually and holistically. We choose to invest in your future by honoring you with a $99 million contract over several years. At this university we expect excellence and cunning and we feel that you fit that profile. As a head football coach you will be teaching players football. You will also lead the program’s cheer squad. We at the University of Florida have a very strict system of honors. One of our very most important honors is our dress code. You must wear jorts and smoke crack. We have also decided to support you with exceptional coaching talent from the NFL. Alfred Golden will bring immense offensive technology to the job. He even has a binder full of skill plays and pillars on being excellent.


The Florida board of trustees. Go Gators!