Tears Gator Tears

New website...


Lol... To add insult to injury, on the heels of their humiliating loss, now the turds have to watch Will Grier at 3 TD's and over 300 yards in the 4th quarter and still going.
I wonder what the gator board is saying about Will Grier...kid looked like a superstar
Yeah, not even close to CMR...


Ummm.... Richt averaged about 10 wins per year for years at UGA. What part of McSharkfûcker is a total corch do you Gaytards not understand?
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**** this is familiar. Go ahead -
give your corch more time to run his shîtshow...

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A big thank you to all posting the screenshots!

I'm not sure if Shark****er can last 2 more years but I hope so. 2019 can't get here soon enough.

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Dbu? Lol. Only if they knew they were about to get sodemized by Michigan. I think we dodged a bullet with these three. They were horrible. Davis got scorched

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That's the proverbial look you display when you're close to admitting that you've made a massive mistake. Those three are not ready for prime time Power 5 college football action, but due to the shyttiness of their roster they will be forced to play too soon.

Their offense is a nightmare, so that D will be on the field a **** ton which leaves plenty of opportunities for good offensive coaches to expose them.

Just wait until they get into the meat of SEC play. Once a coach sees any of these three on the field (especially 150 pound CJ), he's going to call plays to isolate them and force them to make tackles against bigger receivers. They are going to get destroyed as the season goes on.