Tears Gator Tears

Would you take back a high maintenance girlfriend who left you for another guy?
To use and abuse while keeping her at arm's length...


I would go full rusty pirate.
or they did "offer" $13m just to get a win on the trail vs Miami
but when it's time to make good on payments, they're showing their true colors.

reminder that in California, you can get NIL $ as a high school kid, so maybe they promised certain amount up front & they haven't paid yet so he told them he won't get on the plane til they pay the agreed upon amount.

Yes, this is true. Gaytors promised a million while he was still in high school, which SHOULD HAVE already been paid (as you recall, LW was going to pay Rashada while he was still in HS too, but Rashada skipped his commercial-filming obligation to verbal to Florida).
I thought enrollment couldn’t be contingent on NIL deals? Isn’t this pretty blatant? How does UF not tell Rashada that if he walks there is mutually assured destruction with his eligibility? Maybe I’m misunderstanding

All of these things are true.

Which is what makes the next 36 hours, and potential litigation, so dangerous.

If the Rashada family explains, under oath, what really happened...

Miami made a 7-figure offer. Florida made an 8-figure offer.

Allow me to do my impression of a Gaytor fan:

"This is going to tear their locker room apart, they are going to be next Texas A&M..."
People on their board still think he took less to flip to them because he was enamored with Billy and being a gator.
Yup. It's also why you'll never see the one CFB based 30 for 30 that should've been made but hasn't- Urbie's time at UiF.

Nobody will actually cooperate with something like that because they know once you get past the Tebow cotton candy schlock mythology that the entire story would be cheating and massive cover-ups with essentially no likable characters.

Yeah, I think you can only show actual footage of crimes being committed on "Cops", not ESPN...
People on their board still think he took less to flip to them because he was enamored with Billy and being a gator.

True. It's an object-lesson in "believing only the information that is consistent with what you want to believe".

You have a great memory, remember the "but Harlan liked Slingblade Billy from his one year at Arizona State" myth?