Tears Gator Tears

Yeah but when a kid has been solid to you the whole time.... 3 days before signing day?? Mullen just now decided this?

Was the kid flirting with other schools?? Was he wavering?? I get that...

Follow the money.

The Gaytors did not let Strickland sign on December Signing Day. There were other kids with academic issues (some of whom have since landed with Neon Deion at Jackson State) but nobody ever said that Strickland was an academic risk. He was only a "talent" risk.

Then, for a month-and-a-half, he was allowed to sit on the Gaytor commit list as the Gaytors chased all the "crossed out" names that I keep posting/updating.

Finally, on the same day that the Gaytors get the LSU tight end to transfer, certainly not a name they would have expected in mid-December, all of a sudden there's no room for Strickland.

Yeah, this has nothing to do with Strickland flirting with other schools or wavering. It has everything to do with the Gaytors pushing him out for 5-star portal kids.
Follow the money.

The Gaytors did not let Strickland sign on December Signing Day. There were other kids with academic issues (some of whom have since landed with Neon Deion at Jackson State) but nobody ever said that Strickland was an academic risk. He was only a "talent" risk.

Then, for a month-and-a-half, he was allowed to sit on the Gaytor commit list as the Gaytors chased all the "crossed out" names that I keep posting/updating.

Finally, on the same day that the Gaytors get the LSU tight end to transfer, certainly not a name they would have expected in mid-December, all of a sudden there's no room for Strickland.

Yeah, this has nothing to do with Strickland flirting with other schools or wavering. It has everything to do with the Gaytors pushing him out for 5-star portal kids.

Thats BS then...hopefully kid has some options
Eh, there’s probably only a small handful of homers here who are always hyping up players and coaches. To me, being real is having a realistic understanding of the team and setting expectations accordingly. Too many fans are under the assumption that Miami is still a championship level program and anything short of championships is a failure. They don’t see that almost 20 years of mediocrity has set the program back miles and it’s not an overnight quick fix. It’s not as simple as making one coaching hire or one recruiting class. There needs to be continued improvement across the board for a while before this program can claim to be a contender
I even fall victim to the expectations and standard. I know it's a different standard now and I feel like that's unacceptable.
Follow the money.

The Gaytors did not let Strickland sign on December Signing Day. There were other kids with academic issues (some of whom have since landed with Neon Deion at Jackson State) but nobody ever said that Strickland was an academic risk. He was only a "talent" risk.

Then, for a month-and-a-half, he was allowed to sit on the Gaytor commit list as the Gaytors chased all the "crossed out" names that I keep posting/updating.

Finally, on the same day that the Gaytors get the LSU tight end to transfer, certainly not a name they would have expected in mid-December, all of a sudden there's no room for Strickland.

Yeah, this has nothing to do with Strickland flirting with other schools or wavering. It has everything to do with the Gaytors pushing him out for 5-star portal kids.

pretty much this. Once he didn’t get the greenlight to sign in December, he def should have peeped game and dipped. Idk what he was told behind the scenes but to not have a back up plan after being told to hold off on signing wasn’t smart on his decision.

All in all, he shouldn’t have been a **** “take” much less offered in the FIRST place but thats a whole nother convo lol
nah. I believe once Gilbert talk of hitting the portal came about and UF became an option, SOMEBODY had to get put on the chopping block as numbers were/are tight and him being the low hanging fruit drew the short end of the stick
Only way to get better is taking the better player...at the end of the day yea it sucks but u gotta do what u gotta do to try and compete.
pretty much this. Once he didn’t get the greenlight to sign in December, he def should have peeped game and dipped. Idk what he was told behind the scenes but to not have a back up plan after being told to hold off on signing wasn’t smart on his decision.

All in all, he shouldn’t have been a **** “take” much less offered in the FIRST place but thats a whole nother convo lol

I agree. Look, I understand the game, and I realized some kids get pushed out, I just think that waiting until the last week before Signing Day is a bunch of BS. Miami pushed out Savion Collins and Tim Burns well in advance of Signing Day, and gave those guys plenty of time to catch on somewhere else.

I'm also going to laugh my butt off if the Gaytors take Savion Collins just so they can "win" the Palmetto recruiting competition.
Not close to the same thing. Big time programs are rarely, if ever, caught totally by surprise. This is a multibillion dollar game, legit programs have eyes and ears everywhere and know whether a recruit is sniffing around to another school. When it comes to 5 star recruits, they are plugged into a recruit's friends, family, and coaching staff who are incentivized to make sure the player sticks to his commitment. A real shocker might happen once in a blue moon. The Marshall situation might be one of the most secretive last second flips in recent memory, and even then there were several people who knew that Marshall's coach was trying to get UF and Bama into a bidding war behind the scenes (it was even posted here a couple days before it went down). The Canes staff hoped he would stick, but they also knew that UF was going to try and save face by landing a big time recruit because it was getting its a$$ kicked on the recruiting trail. UF dropped so much money it made Bama do a double take, and Marshall took the big bags. Not totally unexpected.

3 star recruits don't pull last second flips. A major P5 might be a 3 star's best offer, so they aren't going to suddenly drop UF, Miami, Bama, etc for FIU or USF unless they are being encouraged by the P5 to look elsewhere. The G5's generally don't have bags to drop to get kids to flip and they aren't dropping those bags for a 3 star. UF outright dropping a 3 star recruit who had shut down his recruitment is a scumbag move. Mullen's lack of professionalism is just another nail that is going to get hammered into his coffin at the end of the 2021 season when he gets fired after going 8-5.

Cant remember the exact circumstances but wasnt the Pickens flip last second a pretty big shock? Thought Auburn or someone got caught with their pants down there.
Thats dirty. If you don't want him, don't offer him. Mullen is a real piece of ****. I called my shot last year and said UF would lose 4 games (dummies said there was no way as Mullen is the bestest evar and Miami screwed up by not hiring him). UF's O will be considerably worse next year.

I think they lose a minimum of 4 again and possibly 5- Bama, LSU, UGA, and the SEC championship game if they get there, plus whatever bowl game the end up in. Will he survive 8-5?

Most legit schools will pull offers from time to time. But pulling an offer this late in the game is just low class.
Only way to get better is taking the better player...at the end of the day yea it sucks but u gotta do what u gotta do to try and compete.

Thats dumb and short-sighted. Maybe UF can get away with that but if Miami tried to pull the same thing, the coaching staff from that kid's HS would light Miami up on Twitter and ban the program from recruiting there. It's a dirty move. Its not good recruiting and if you defend it, you clearly don't understand the concept of professionalism. Kids can drop schools because they are 17 year olds and big time programs have a list of other potential recruits a mile long. Schools dropping kids 3 days before NSD isn't savvy, it's a bush league move that is totally in character with Dan Mullen, who is only reinforcing his poor reputation as a unprofessional guy who should be an OC, as he doesn't have the temperament or judgment to be a HC running a program.

You can't say the kid should have started looking elsewhere because there is an understanding that if the school is going to drop a kid, it gives him clear notice many weeks in advance to give the player a chance to go elsewhere and save face. When the school is telling the kid he's solid to the class as recently as a few days ago, it's BS to pull the rug out a couple days later.
Posted on 29 mins, , User Since 134 months ago, User Post Count: 990
  • 29 mins
  • 134 months
  • 990
I trust Dan and wish Gator Fans can just enjoy what he has done for us and this program. Now I’m at least able to be in conversation with other fans from different teams and not be humiliated

Posted on 29 mins, , User Since 134 months ago, User Post Count: 990
  • 29 mins
  • 134 months
  • 990
I trust Dan and wish Gator Fans can just enjoy what he has done for us and this program. Now I’m at least able to be in conversation with other fans from different teams and not be humiliated


Yes, it's really all about CWO4Gaytor's "humiliation". ***** these kids. CWO just needs to be able to talk to other "fans from different teams" without "humilation".
Thats dumb and short-sighted. Maybe UF can get away with that but if Miami tried to pull the same thing, the coaching staff from that kid's HS would light Miami up on Twitter and ban the program from recruiting there. It's a dirty move. Its not good recruiting and if you defend it, you clearly don't understand the concept of professionalism. Kids can drop schools because they are 17 year olds and big time programs have a list of other potential recruits a mile long. Schools dropping kids 3 days before NSD isn't savvy, it's a bush league move that is totally in character with Dan Mullen, who is only reinforcing his poor reputation as a unprofessional guy who should be an OC, as he doesn't have the temperament or judgment to be a HC running a program.

You can't say the kid should have started looking elsewhere because there is an understanding that if the school is going to drop a kid, it gives him clear notice many weeks in advance to give the player a chance to go elsewhere and save face. When the school is telling the kid he's solid to the class as recently as a few days ago, it's BS to pull the rug out a couple days later.
I mean yea u have good points. It sucks and if your not winning that can really bite u in the *** later on.
Kids get pushed to the side in recruiting all the time and yeah, some of them play coaching staffs right until the final moment. Still you don't tell a kid his offer is no longer valid three days before signing day. It's a garbage move and if Miami pulled that with a local kid, every highs school coach and washed-up 80’s rapper in town would be all over social media tearing the school, coaches and administration a new one.
Good news all this sHT Dan and his band of idiots continue to do like this will only be used as fuel against them by EVERY school they will recruit against for a player...Also don’t think this kid , his HS coach and all his buddies he plays with won’t be letting everyone they know just how classless the turds are..
UFAG’s recruiting as bad as **** fans whine it is just had another **** thrown on their already large pile of sHT they call recruiting..
I agree. Look, I understand the game, and I realized some kids get pushed out, I just think that waiting until the last week before Signing Day is a bunch of BS. Miami pushed out Savion Collins and Tim Burns well in advance of Signing Day, and gave those guys plenty of time to catch on somewhere else.

I'm also going to laugh my butt off if the Gaytors take Savion Collins just so they can "win" the Palmetto recruiting competition.
Miami already won. UM got 2/3 players both schools were recruiting.