Tears Gator Tears

With this being the Gator Tear's thread, I have the most Florida question ever. Feel free to make fun of me for asking this. I'm just curious. Wait for it..... wait for it. WHat would Garcia bring out ranking too? Lol.
Whichever ranking service has us the highest and then 50% higher and in their case, unless it’s still lower than Miami, in which case it needs to go to spots ahead because of “gaytor Brand”
Can someone please explain the step ladder hanging on the door?
If you have to ask...

I saw on google they wore it for one game against Penn State. It was the year they broke the color barrier and Penn State had an All American Black player. I'm not familiar with UF football history but wtf.
So it goes from tone deaf to deliberate antagonization. Great history there.
Looked it up. Even I, one of the most virulent gaytor haters of all times, wasn’t aware of how overtly racist they were.

Here are some links and pictures.

Look at the confederate flag on the gaturd helmet

Here’s some background. The whole reason for them wearing these helmets was a North vs South racist theme for a bowl game, The coaches and school were all behind it. Quite a history they have.

You can even buy these helmets online, TODAY. Which means there’s still a demand for them. The hillbilly racist hate is strong with this fan base.


You know these confederate flag mini helmets adorn many a gaytor man cave in central and north Florida.

Go gaytah
saw where one of the coaches that had left was suing the school and Mullen for Racism..This outta be good..
Great news, guys, TE/LS extraordinaire Rocco Underwood scored a TD last night for Lake Mary, though the Rams lost 7-6. Man, just imagine what that underrated blue-chipper can do once he gets to Hogtown and joins Gaytor Nation Brand!