FSU LIVE BOT Meeting - Livestream link

The increasing penalty for leaving from 0$ (acc constitution) in 2010 to 572$ million in 2023 (penalty and gor estimate) is huge. Not only are there antitrust arguments, but the lack of consideration for ACC schools with that increase is glaring. Hard to defend such a one sided penalty with no new benefit for the schools. The media revenue have stayed the same since 2012. I like their chances especially in Florida courts.
Lawyers said:
- they got the grant of rights contract for media rights the internet (just like @TheOriginalCane lol). They do not have the fully executed one because of the acc
- no one has the separate multimedia rights contract to record - that’s between acc and espn
The multi media rights agreement is kept in the League office. When getting access, the FSU attorneys are saying they are not allowed access in private. No photographs are allowed to be taken. Anyone getting access to it are heavily monitored.