For us Die-hard.......


Dec 29, 2011
that have supported through the recent tough times and were willing to go down with the ship, sort of speak, this has to be as gratifiying a time as any. We see the light at the end of the tunnel and like someone has previously said, the time of "getting licks in" is over.
Paper or plastice? cause its a wrap. good coaches and players only breed winning. cant wait.
This is the finest 24 hours in a LONG time. All you bandwagonners can come aboard, but just remember...we know.
As a wise man said once

"You can call us whatever you wanna call us, BUT.... Get to know the name is C.A.N.E.S!"

-Bennie Blades
Let's not suck each other's ****s just yet. There are, to me, still some unanswered questions about Golden and Co. in terms of the on-field product. If next year we make a leap, then yes, it's time to blow one another.
Let's not suck each other's ****s just yet. There are, to me, still some unanswered questions about Golden and Co. in terms of the on-field product. If next year we make a leap, then yes, it's time to blow one another.

No **** sucking yet? Damnit! **slowly and shamefully pulls pants back up**
Hey Ive enjoyed one title to me most of my Cane years have been the suck. Got into CFB round 2000 and really like devoted my canes in 07 and followed recruiting religously after the 08 class got signed. So Ive had more bad years than good when it comes to Canes football. But Ide drown on that ship if need be.
that have supported through the recent tough times and were willing to go down with the ship, sort of speak, this has to be as gratifiying a time as any. We see the light at the end of the tunnel and like someone has previously said, the time of "getting licks in" is over.

Light at the end of the tunnel? Feeling the PRESSURE, Fraulden?

Firing Day is 65 away.

that have supported through the recent tough times and were willing to go down with the ship, sort of speak, this has to be as gratifiying a time as any. We see the light at the end of the tunnel and like someone has previously said, the time of "getting licks in" is over.

Light at the end of the tunnel? Feeling the PRESSURE, Fraulden?

Firing Day is 65 away.


Great bump!

The light at the end of the tunnel is the firing of one Alfred Golden, also known as Folden, Fraulden, Kim Jong Al, FataWeenie, Fat Al, Albortion, etc..
People are so eager to label themselves the best fans. Do yall walk around with a patch on?
Hey Ive enjoyed one title to me most of my Cane years have been the suck. Got into CFB round 2000 and really like devoted my canes in 07 and followed recruiting religously after the 08 class got signed. So Ive had more bad years than good when it comes to Canes football. But Ide drown on that ship if need be.

I hear you bruh,I have been down ever since late 80's so I have seen the Canes when we were really good.My ex wife graduated from the U in 1991. It didn't matter who played back then,I knew we would find a way to win. I know this is a different era but I don't see the dog in most of these players. A few of them have, Bush comes to mind and Yearby and Walton seem to play with same old school edge. It's this coaching staff,running that bend but don't break Penn State scheme !