Wow. This is such a bad and wrong - even clueless - post on so many levels. I’ll just chalk it up to you being a football guy and not really understanding college basketball.
And you don’t really know UM’s power brokers if you don’t know that L wasn’t done after this year unless he wanted to be done, period.
Juat calling me wrong doesn’t make you right fella. I’m the guy looking at this from
every angle not blindly slurping a coach. I said after last year it was time to evaluate the program. There’s a bunch of red flags staring you in the face. Meaning there’s concerns.
You’re the type to blindly follow without asking questions, while making excuses until the program blows up in your face. I went into this year as he must do something , we can’t suck for a fourth year in a row. To his credit he’s winning but I also know this team is older than some nba teams. Once again because Im looking at the situation as a whole, not emotionally or because I know the coach or have some emotional connection.
Btw calling me a football guy might be a passive way to take the focus off the argument but trust me this “ football guy “ likely knows more than you’ll ever believe about basketball and been around it just much as much as football.
Obviously there’s a mope / slurper battle over here just like the football board and per usual I’m in the middle. I’ve never been a fire L guy but if the last few years isn’t a concern you’re blindly slurping. Just taking a paint brush and saying “ FBI scandal “ or “ you’re a football guy “ doesn’t make you right. Because that’s been your entire argument Lol. Oh and saying i’m wrong.
Which tells me everything. You have nothing so this debate is useless.
As for the “ power brokers “ lol. Like that’s really a thing. Football pays all the bills here and we have decades of people not caring. While having a real reason to care. So I’m sure basketball was a real priority lol. You are smoking crack if you don’t think Rad wasn’t taking a long hard look at the basketball program after another losing record , especially after the last three seasons.
Lastly I’ll say this…,Miami was not the only program involved in the FBI scandal yet we are theone still using it as an excuse years later lol. Now ill let you get back to calling me “wrong , a football guy , making the same one excuse“ and saying nothing else.
Btw be careful with telling people to eat crow around here , if tends to come back around: