Football School: Rugby Tackling and the “Hip Drop” Rule

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Oct 13, 2011

Message boards are full of so-called experts who never played or coached the game at the high levels. I’m one of them. CanesInSight is blessed to have Mike Zuckerman, a ten-year college coaching veteran, take us to Football School. He will join the show regularly to provide insight on terms we use every day, but may not fully understand. Zuck, a Miami alum, spent seven years in UM’s football program in various roles and, for the past three years, served as the linebackers...

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I'm trying to remember if I ever did a hip drop tackle when playing high school ball. As far as I can remember I used to wrap around the thigh area and roll my hips and legs depending on the weight of the ball carrier. If he was a heavier dude I would still do the same but at times you would slide down to the leg or ankle, and roll their leg or ankle. If they didn't roll with my momentum, leg or ankle... gone. I think this just needs to be taught and practiced.
I prefer chest plate tackling over shoulder tackling. Reason being, is if the ball carrier cuts back on a shoulder tackle, he cuts back into an arm...whereas, if you aim your chest plate at the ball carrier, He cuts back into 1/2 your body. To each His own though, whatever works for that particular player.
that bull**** tackle approach Manny brought to Miami is just that. Bull****. We had the most missed tackles for 3 years.

Folks should look into the “see what you hit” seminar. Eyes up, chin to sternun, wrap, and run through.

During the Jimmy and Butch days we also put hats right on the ball. Causing a ton of fumbles.

When the head is down… that is when you get neck compression and head injuries.

It’s a very simple concept and yet it’s never taught right from pop Warner.

Was Nick saban and Alabama doing that bull**** hawk tackle? Lol no
that bull**** tackle approach Manny brought to Miami is just that. Bull****. We had the most missed tackles for 3 years.

Folks should look into the “see what you hit” seminar. Eyes up, chin to sternun, wrap, and run through.

During the Jimmy and Butch days we also put hats right on the ball. Causing a ton of fumbles.

When the head is down… that is when you get neck compression and head injuries.

It’s a very simple concept and yet it’s never taught right from pop Warner.

Was Nick saban and Alabama doing that bull**** hawk tackle? Lol no

Yup, methinks they're trying to hawk (no pun intended) a tackling system, snake oil. Also, there's no factual evidence that putting your head across the bow causes more concussions, absolutely none.