Five-star DT Shy Tuttle has a final five

I would expect this UNC allegation stuff my change his mind some, I may ask around.

If that's the case, things could open up a lot more.
DT? Not coming to Miami.
Committing on Sept 26 Coach said he is not going to Miami. Choosing between. Unc.,nc st, Clemson, Tenn.

Link to source of coach's comments please.

Well that sucks but I had a feeling he wasn't leaving the state of North Carolina. According to the SI folks if he does leave NC he is heading to Tenn to play next to McKenzie. Looks like UM's dline Catch and Release scheme just released another top rated DT, which is fine ; the next big man up will take that spot.

Go Canes
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Don't tell ClanAlmighty....

If he see's that DT's that CAN play the 2-gap 3-4 scheme Miami plays DONT COME TO THE SCHOOL...

He might have an aneurysm.
Clemson cooled on him a while back and he on Clemson. We(Tigers) aren't on him anymore.

We also backed off of Tim Settle after reports of "severe handling" and questionable academics.

I only mention this because I know these are two common DT's we were both in on at one point.
For us, it appears we are only after one more DT(Albert Huggins)

So it appears that Tenn might be the place where Shy ends up.
Looks like Tenn will land him and Mckenzie.this is why the SEC keeps dominating college ball.
Looks like Tenn will land him and Mckenzie.this is why the SEC keeps dominating college ball.

That would give them two top 10 DTs in this class along with another DT, Quay Picou, who's top 25 at DT.

That's where we need to get if we want a dominant defense.