NFL Fins vs. Colts... Venting Thread (+ Brady versus NE finish)

My patience with the Phins ran out years back. I don’t have the time or patience to devote to more than one team like them.

What's worse is only being a football fan like me...I don't watch baseball, basketball, golf (unless the Masters). Been a Dolphins and Canes fan since the early 80s as a child. It's f*cking terrible how much apathy has set in the past 15 to 17 years. I'm happier on the Appalachian trail than tuning in to either of these sh*t teams.
What's worse is only being a football fan like me...I don't watch baseball, basketball, golf (unless the Masters). Been a Dolphins and Canes fan since the early 80s as a child. It's f*cking terrible how much apathy has set in the past 15 to 17 years. I'm happier on the Appalachian trail than tuning in to either of these sh*t teams.
I don’t even think it is apathy with the Dolphins. With them it is a stunning run of awful GMs and decision makers. Most of the coaches they hired were the hot candidates of that offseason, but when it comes to choosing Player A or Player B, they have managed to choose wrong at an incredible rate.

Long and Henne over Ryan, Culpepper over Brees and now Tua over Herbert are the three easy examples. What’s even more incredible to me is how bad the offensive line has been for about as long and the number of 1-3 round picks and high profile free agent signings were spent across it. It is incredible. Ireland, Tannenbaum, and Grier are on par with Shannon, Golden, and Diaz in terms of incompetence in doing their jobs.