Ferman on Possible Staff ($)

He got the Richt thing right but acted like an *** through out the whole thing. The Gundy thing was ridiculous as was the whole Mario thing. He just couldn't keep Mario's **** out of his mouth. Not only kept saying that Mario was one of if not the lead candidate, he would then suggest that he would be a home run hire. He got slammed by a few of his own yet kept coming stating that his record at FIU must be taken into context and that people that talked down on Mario didn't understand what was going on behind the scenes, you know typical Ferman BS. When questioned some more would continue playing the whole I know things I can't say BS. Slammed this board, and if anybody would start a thread regarding info coming from this board, he would immediately delete it. He did get the Richt thing right and was ahead of everyone on that one, but he is still a spineless ******…..