Feels like 2007

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If Mario can find a QB, we could have this to look forward to in coming years. Hopefully. Right?

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Now post the 2021 box scores of games like Stanford, Cal, UCLA, UW , Oregon State and of course Utah. I feel that’s more indicative of the sort of teams we’ll see under him in future seasons with better rosters and assistant coaches.

They finished with a point differential of only 4.4 points vs their opponents on the year in 2021. For perspective, Oregon is currently averaging 16.8 now that they have a much better coaching staff that can motivate their players to perform.
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@SWFLHurricane you’ve seen it all. Absent of getting rid of Mario, how would you fix it. And yes this is worse than ‘97. I love my grandpa but I’m glad he didn’t live to see this season. Sh*t woulda killed him…
This is a steaming pile of sh*t....wayyyy worse than the probation yrs. Butch had real excuses...Take 31 schollies from Mario and this garbage *** staph, and we'd go winless for 2yrs. How tf do you hire an entire offensive staff...without hiring an OC first??...Who tf does that type of stupidity??...
Gattis, Steele, and Addae have absolutely no business being retained...NONE....and that stupid Mustache wearing POS can go with them.
Gattis is a bad fit here. He needs an OL, power RB to execute his offense. Mario is at fault for hiring him. Do I think his offense can work, yes, but with this personel nope.

The issue that has compounded it has been all the injuries on offense. They can’t throw the ball without TVD. Garcia turns the ball over like it’s his job. Brown can’t complete a forward pass.

OL decimated.

This offense would have been much better with Zion at LT then Campbell at RT slide Scaife to G, etc… it would have been much better with a healthy Citizen and Chaney.
Losing Arroyo hurt.

Like without those pieces this offense can’t work.

The coaches thought they had those pieces in off-season. That is how they built it.

Once they made in season adjustments TVD was humming again. Season was done as soon as he got hurt.
OCs should be able to adapt though
When Mario got hired most of us thought finally we have a good coach and a great recruiter. A huge red flag should have been the amount of time it took to fill positions on the staff, especially the OC. I don't know if this was because no decent OC's wanted to coach here or Mario being very selective about who he wanted, but it's clear to all of us that Gattis was a huge mistake. Have we ever had a great offense running the RPO? Several posters early on were skeptical including myself, we need an uptempo offense, a spread offense like what Lashley put on the field. Am I missing something, did we have available options that we chose to pass on to get Gattis? It now looks like the players don't care and have quit, we are horrible. I mention Gattis because our offense is the most glaring problem, but this goes for the whole staff, so tired of watching our cb's getting burned for long td's. It didn't matter FSU could've played us with an arm tied behind their backs and still beat us. Mack Brown fired DC Manny Diaz the next day after Texas gave up 550 yards on the ground to BYU, Mario needs to start the purge and dump Gattis now. Every player on this team has regressed, our qb's look horrible, I never thought TVD was a stud, the Lashley offense plus Rambo and Harley made him, now you see he's only average at best. Where I was fooled was Garcia, I really thought he was our future qb with a high ceiling, he's horrible. D'Onofrio cost Golden his job, do something now Mario, this is all on you, these are your hires.
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Well, it looks like something will happen. Whatever it is, it seems like Mario will make a move with guys like Alonzo in the building. We are 4-5, in a season where many of us thought 6 or 7 wins was the ceiling. On to the next. I coach HS football and losing sucks.

Every week coaches draw up bad game plans and fail to adjust in game. Who ever we are bringing in? Hopefully people around Mario love him enough to point out his flaws.
We didn't think 6 or 7 wins was the ceiling. We thought 9 or 10 wins was the ceiling. Let's keep it real
You might be on your death bed by the time they even begin to turn it around.
I’m afraid your right. I started going to games in ‘84. Tons of great times and memories but that is all they are really dusty faded black and white memories. Mario has been an absolute failure and disaster. For 20 plus years we have had only hope as Canes. They are an embarrassment. For my mental health I’ve started walking away from the TV and just checking the latest lost score. I don’t even listen on my Sony Walkman to JZ and Don B my favorites. Really sucks to be a Canes fan. Utter **** pile.
D$ I know you’re connected, so you can’t just say certain things.

But why should we have faith in Mario ever changing his offensive philosophy?

Gattis is horrible, but still that was Mario’s choice.

Oregon looks like a playoff contender due to thier offense that never looked like that once under Mario.

1st year coaches all over college is doing more with much less. Due to this offensive schemes.

Again, why should we have faith in Mario.

He seems stubborn. And not willing to recognize how big of a problem his offensive mindset has held him back.
I just hate how he keeps calling it a build.

our schedule is easier this year than last year, we have more or equal talent, and we're getting smoked. Manny had us in every game but the bama game

dude just can't get the team motivated

I wanted Manny gone badly but this is so true.

Want to congratulate Mario and his coaches, support staff, and S&C too for breaking the spirit of this team as intended. Thing they forgot, though, is that once you accomplish this, you need to build them back up. Something Cristobal and Co. don't seem to be doing from the outside looking in. They needed about 50 players or so, imo, to buy in and feel that the staff bought into them. I'll be generous and say they have maybe half of that. More likely it's in the dozen or so range.

Can't hard **** ride a roster like this and not develop them after you broke their spirit intentionally.
When Mario got hired most of us thought finally we have a good coach and a great recruiter. A huge red flag should have been the amount of time it took to fill positions on the staff, especially the OC. I don't know if this was because no decent OC's wanted to coach here or Mario being very selective about who he wanted, but it's clear to all of us that Gattis was a huge mistake. Have we ever had a great offense running the RPO? Several posters early on were skeptical including myself, we need an uptempo offense, a spread offense like what Lashley put on the field. Am I missing something, did we have available options that we chose to pass on to get Gattis? It now looks like the players don't care and have quit, we are horrible. I mention Gattis because our offense is the most glaring problem, but this goes for the whole staff, so tired of watching our cb's getting burned for long td's. It didn't matter FSU could've played us with an arm tied behind their backs and still beat us. Mack Brown fired DC Manny Diaz the next day after Texas gave up 550 yards to BYU, Mario needs to start the purge and dump Gattis now. Every player on this team has regressed, our qb's look horrible, I never thought TVD was a stud, the Lashley offense plus Rambo and Harley made him, now you see he's only average at best. Where I was fooled was Garcia, I really thought he was our future qb with a high ceiling, he's horrible. D'Onofrio cost Golden his job, do something now Mario, this is all on you, these are your hires.
So watching TVD last season, you didn't think he was good?
This is a steaming pile of sh*t....wayyyy worse than the probation yrs. Butch had real excuses...Take 31 schollies from Mario and this garbage *** staph, and we'd go winless for 2yrs. How tf do you hire an entire offensive staff...without hiring an OC first??...Who tf does that type of stupidity??...
Gattis, Steele, and Addae have absolutely no business being retained...NONE....and that stupid Mustache wearing POS can go with them.
Lol, I honestly think you nailed it. We’re on the same page. Just took me a while to get there. I’m a slow learner, owe you an IPA some day. 😂
I’m not a glass half full or empty guy; I’m a guy who sees there’s a glass of water that’s neither full or empty. I try to see things as they are.

Here’s what I see, & what I’ve been seeing b4 the season even started:

A roster that’s not Miami caliber from top to bottom. We definitely have some players, but it’s far few in between. It’s a roster that’s mimicked yrs past, where we have a couple of guys who r NFL caliber, but a good amount that will wash out or not live up to the hype.

I knew this season was going to be a struggle just knowing what philosophy we were going to try to employ w/ the personnel we have.

However, what I’ve seen thus far…3 games where we haven’t crossed the end zone?? No way in **** did I see this sort of incompetence & anemia.

I’ve wrecked my mind in recalling every season since 1987, & I can’t think of any season where this team haven’t scored a single TD in 3 games in a season. Maybe I’m wrong, but I can’t recall. Even if it did happen b4, in 2022, that’s **** near impossible to do!!

I may be down on this roster, but there’s no way our talent is this deficient to not score a single, funky TD in 3 games, & in back to back games, to add salt to this wound. I don’t mind losing, but I do mind looking like fools.

If Mario does not make a change to this OC & this scheme, immediately, then Lord help his soul. Whatever good will & hope he brought will evaporate quicker than a drop of water is a scorching hot desert. He’s on the clock.
He was on the clock way before our latest butt whipping.
Wait a second. There's near unanimity that Gattis stinks. If that's the case, then why are you so quick to throw players under the bus if we can agree that the coaching stinks? I'm not throwing the towel on any of the QBs because I don't trust Gattis for a second. I'd like to see the QBs in a real system with real coaching before making that determination.

I'm not throwing these players under any bus. Gattis is and has been a horrible fit. I like TVD and think a fresh start for him would be in his best interest regardless of the benefit to us if he were to stay.

As for Garcia, I've found him to lack the arm strength, mobility, and decision making I thought he had. And for all I know, his preparation ethic may also be lacking even though this one is pure speculation on my part.
I'm not throwing these players under any bus. Gattis is and has been a horrible fit. I like TVD and think a fresh start for him would be in his best interest regardless of the benefit to us if he were to stay.

As for Garcia, I've found him to lack the arm strength, mobility, and decision making I thought he had. And for all I know, his preparation ethic may also be lacking even though this one is pure speculation on my part.
But think about this. Gattis made TVD look awful. We can agree on that, right? So if he's turning a spectacular player into dogsh*t performances, then what's he doing to the rest of the offense and the QBs in particular? I'm not trusting what my eyes are seeing with Jake because I think the offensive coaching is that bad.
Oregon fans are laughing their cot**** assess off at us and rightfully so. I've come to the realization that i have zero faith that Cristobal will fix this ****. It shouldn't be this bad. Yes the roster sucks but it isn't getting blown out at home by MTSU, Duke and FSU bad.

It's been said many times in the past how this program is done but it legitimately looks like it now. At least some of us were around for the good days. Sorry for those who have only known pain.
I have loved the U since the mid 80’s and it literally makes me sick to see how far this program has fallen. Not a UM grad but was Hurricane Club member for 12 years. Tickets to Rose Bowl 2001 championship game and Fiasco Bowl the next season. My brother and I traveled to every road game in 2001 and 2002 seasons. This program was dominant and champions with 5 different coaches. I remember Ohio St game at the Meadowlands with Kenny Kelly at qb my brother and I were there around probation days but could see championship teams coming back. Woke up this morning and have no hope the real Miami Hurricanes will ever field a team again worthy of the legacy of greatness.
Really sad. I’m a died heart but unfortunately our Coaches suck. Stop blaming players.
But think about this. Gattis made TVD look awful. We can agree on that, right? So if he's turning a spectacular player into dogsh*t performances, then what's he doing to the rest of the offense and the QBs in particular? I'm not trusting what my eyes are seeing with Jake because I think the offensive coaching is that bad.

Then we can agree to disagree on Garcia. The only flash he's shown me is the two point scramble to beat UVa last weekend. Mind you, he did this while completely ignoring the wide open receiver standing at the goal line. Which wasn't surprising given the lack of vision he's shown.