Feels like 2007

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Absolutely NO excuses for that debacle the entire country witnessed last night...NONE...
I knew we'd lose...but not the utter destruction Norvell & Company put on us. He's getting paid 8 million dollars a yr...with the rest of the staff making 5 million more. That's more than double any other HC and staff have been paid in UMs History. Who in their right mind, hires an entire Offensive staff BEFORE hiring an OC??....That's so F-ing unbelievable that I don't know where to start.
I said this to someone else a week or so ago. No legit OC is going to come here unless Mario allows him to bring his guys, which means in addition to Gattis, Ponce, Field, and Smith also have to be fired. I didn't include Mirabal because he's more than likely a non-negotiable, but those other guys absolutely without a shadow of a doubt have to be shown the door also.

Edit: And the reason this is something we have to closely watch is because Ponce is reportedly also a good friend of Mario and he also has a good relation with Field. We'll see how this shakes out.
We'll know with the type of OC he hires.

Even Manny switched to Lashlee to save his ***. If Mario just hires another Gattis then......
This is what’s so maddening: Miami FINALLY hits on an offense that can score in bunches (even with Lashlee’s run game deficiencies) and we only get it for a couple years, only to revert to “Miami bro” offense in a phone booth. You would think an offense like Lashlee’s with the improvement that Mario and Mirabal should bring to the OL for run game support would be FANTASTIC!

Please, Mario, learn from this abomination and join the 21st century offensive approach.

LOL, last night's was a mix of the Golden/No'D & the Manny eras.

Even Shannon didn't have 300# DTs covering scat backs out of the backfield, that was Golden/No'D.

And how about FSU running the same counter play over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, does that sound like a game in recent memory?

LOL, we basically lost to a Wing-T team last night.
Tough to be excited about the future unless extreme changes are made, regardless of what kids we bring in. Even if extreme changes are made, I still will need to see it and I’m putting cases on all you mfs who start the inevitable hype train this off season. I better not see not a nann nanna ACC Coastal champ prediction.
The predictions were based on our easy *** schedule. The only tough games on the schedule was TAMU and Clemson, and they're not really that good. We just asked that man to beat MTSU and the basketball teams on our schedule, with a Heisman hopeful QB. We didn't ask him to win a national title this year, or ****, we didn't even ask him to win the ACC
At this point the only thing we can hope for is that Mario loves this program as much as he says he does(and I do believe him) and against all advice from his lawyers, family, priest, neighbors, Cuban coffee hook up, croquette sales man, etc. doesn’t make us pay his full contract.
Gattis is a bad fit here. He needs an OL, power RB to execute his offense. Mario is at fault for hiring him. Do I think his offense can work, yes, but with this personel nope.

The issue that has compounded it has been all the injuries on offense. They can’t throw the ball without TVD. Garcia turns the ball over like it’s his job. Brown can’t complete a forward pass.

OL decimated.

This offense would have been much better with Zion at LT then Campbell at RT slide Scaife to G, etc… it would have been much better with a healthy Citizen and Chaney.
Losing Arroyo hurt.

Like without those pieces this offense can’t work.

The coaches thought they had those pieces in off-season. That is how they built it.

Once they made in season adjustments TVD was humming again. Season was done as soon as he got hurt.
Belk is having a rough go at it this year.
My point was that those two were some of his first choices and we missed on them. He had to scramble and while his two picks made some splash in the headlines, they were clearly not great picks. The fan base did what fanbases do and convinced themselves like always that not only everything was fine but it was even better than that. We were told that Gattis’ concepts were exactly what they were and we still convinced ourselves it was gonna be awesome. The warnings signs were there, I admittedly missed them myself.
I just can't believe he was dumb/naive enough to to want to go in the complete opposite direction after seeing what TVD/Lashlee was successful with last year.

We went from uptempo/spread to slow and methodical.

I know he probably hated our running game from last year (like we all did) but it's just baffling to believe he was willing to sacrifice scoring points and high flying offenses with a gunslinging QB so he could get a physical offense that could run the ball.
This was his biggest mistake!
Nothing will ever quite replicate the final game in the Orange Bowl. It was surreal. Brakes blown off us, looking like FCS Southeast where not a single player on the field gave an iotta of a **** what was happening. Confetti raining down from the heavens as the play clock struck 0:00 with The Rock, Michael Irvin, Santana Moss and a cavalcade of former Hurricanes from truly great to fan favorites just disgusted by what they saw and the team just despondent, going through the motions as they half-heartedly put their fingers up as they sang Alma Mater: Stand Together while Chris Long, Clint Sintim, and Chris Cook just joke at how easy it was as they walk off the field. Randy Shannon had the thousand mile stare...no idea what to do in that moment. Randy was a terrible head coach, but he had been here through...so much...he's seen everything. The highs, lows, everything in between. You looked at that guy and it was a moment I can't imagine he's ever forgotten. Looked like he just witnessed a mass casualty event.

Yesterday looked similar...but...on xanax. Life became too much for this once proud program and its just popping pills to get through the day at this point. A husk of program that used to be so full of life.

and @IndayArtHauz was right in his post...we got a tiny glimpse of that life...the first three plays of the game until Corey Flagg committed the INT. The crowd was ******* rocking. Everyone was IN. The players seemed focused, and intense. Just for a moment. Then...penalty, penalty, blown coverage and down goes a bottle of pills.
My point was that those two were some of his first choices and we missed on them. He had to scramble and while his two picks made some splash in the headlines, they were clearly not great picks. The fan base did what fanbases do and convinced themselves like always that not only everything was fine but it was even better than that. We were told that Gattis’ concepts were exactly what they were and we still convinced ourselves it was gonna be awesome. The warnings signs were there, I admittedly missed them myself.
Are you saying Mario wasn't extremely happy with this hire? It took him like 3 months to make this hire
I said this to someone else a week or so ago. No legit OC is going to come here unless Mario allows him to bring his guys, which means in addition to Gattis, Ponce, Field, and Smith also have to be fired. I didn't include Mirabal because he's more than likely a non-negotiable, but those other guys absolutely without a shadow of a doubt have to be shown the door also.

Edit: And the reason this is something we have to closely watch is because Ponce is reportedly also a good friend of Mario and he also has a good relation with Field. We'll see how this shakes out.

I wasn't too fond of the Feld hire, but if a coordinator has to tell Mario that His strength & conditioning guy has to go, then that coordinator might as well tell Mario He has to go. Now I don't know if it's nature over nurture, but our guys look like they have less muscle mass than most of the teams we've played, and most of our defensive guys lack that explosion...that should be fairly obvious to Mario.