Feels like 2007

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Mario can alleviate the 2007 comparison by hitting the reset button NOW rather than string it along the way Shannon did by only firing one coordinator after year one and waiting until after the 2008 season to fire Patrick Nix and some of the other underperforming assistants.

BOTH coordinators and most of the position coaches should be gone immediately. Obviously firing Gattis takes care of WR coach as well, but Ponce, Field, Addae, and Strong should probably all be let go too. Aaron Feld should be on the chopping block too with the injury situation considering it seems to have carried over from Oregon.
Gattis and Mustache need to be the first two shown the door. The offensive play calling, like another poster said, is almost like he’s trying to lose. It’s mind boggling.
I would bet on it. Mario is not trying to be the smartest guy in the room. He sees how bad our QBs look. TVD is a good player and the other two have talent. It shouldn’t be this bad.
I agree.
And he’s not blind and there is no way he keeps Gattis.
He needs to get this next hire right.
You think he told Ruiz to tweet that? 😂

Also, what players did he throw under the bus? I listened to the whole press conference.
Reading comprehension is important.

I never said that he told them to say that. But it’s obvious that if they’re tweeting that out, he hasn’t told them not to do that. He runs a tight ship, so it’s alarming that he’d be fine with them porsting this on Twitter.

Also, by him mentioning that there has to be “buy in” and that the players have to “practice harder and understand what is expected of them” he is underhandedly taking a swipe at the players and failing to look in the mirror.

He and his staph are being paid 12 million a year. You’d think that he could have better results than the 1964 team, which was the last Miami team to not score a TD in 2 straight games.
It's obvious to anyone with a brain and any semblance of football IQ that Gattis will/should be fired.

But I'm going to take it one step further and say something very specific that I think NEEDS to happen with the new OC hire.

It needs to be a former head coach. It's obvious Mario could really use/leverage some gameday help on the sideline. For this regime to work, Mario has to be our Ed Orgeron. He simply has to be flanked by two top notch coordinators otherwise this entire thing is doomed before it starts. Mario has one function...to be the face of the program and to close recruits in the living room.

He should be looking at guys like Dan Mullen or Bobby Petrino. You hire either of them with ZERO recruiting responsibilities and have them be completely responsible for the offense. I don't think there's a chance in **** we can get Petrino but it would be worth a try. He's basically in football Siberia right now at Missouri State, getting up there in age, and might want one more crack at the limelight without the pressures and responsibilities of being a head coach.

Here's what I know for sure....the right coordinators can turn any program around in a hurry. There are examples of it littered all over college football.
Strong and Ponce were both HC, that doesn’t seem to have helped much.
It's obvious to anyone with a brain and any semblance of football IQ that Gattis will/should be fired.

But I'm going to take it one step further and say something very specific that I think NEEDS to happen with the new OC hire.

It needs to be a former head coach. It's obvious Mario could really use/leverage some gameday help on the sideline. For this regime to work, Mario has to be our Ed Orgeron. He simply has to be flanked by two top notch coordinators otherwise this entire thing is doomed before it starts. Mario has one function...to be the face of the program and to close recruits in the living room.

He should be looking at guys like Dan Mullen or Bobby Petrino. You hire either of them with ZERO recruiting responsibilities and have them be completely responsible for the offense. I don't think there's a chance in **** we can get Petrino but it would be worth a try. He's basically in football Siberia right now at Missouri State, getting up there in age, and might want one more crack at the limelight without the pressures and responsibilities of being a head coach.

Here's what I know for sure....the right coordinators can turn any program around in a hurry. There are examples of it littered all over college football.
+10000000 I have been saying that for a while now. It's obvious that Mario can't coach his way out of a wet paper bag. The OC needs to be a former HC. That's the only way this works.

This season has pretty much broke me. I won't believe a single positive thing until it actually happens. No more Greentree reports, verbal commitments, "big changes coming". I've listened and believed for decades now and not one word of it has came to fruition. As the saying goes, fool me once........or in this case 100,000 times
Same here.
I remember being distraught about the 2007 season and some one told me, not to worry help was on the way (2008 recruiting class), we know how that turned out.
Reading comprehension is important.

I never said that he told them to say that. But it’s obvious that if they’re tweeting that out, he hasn’t told them not to do that. He runs a tight ship, so it’s alarming that he’d be fine with them porsting this on Twitter.

Also, by him mentioning that there has to be “buy in” and that the players have to “practice harder and understand what is expected of them” he is underhandedly taking a swipe at the players and failing to look in the mirror.

He and his staph are being paid 12 million a year. You’d think that he could have better results than the 1964 team, which was the last Miami team to not score a TD in 2 straight games.
Agreed 100%. Staff is getting paid too much to underachieve this grotesquely. With that said, there are players on this roster that simply don’t belong, whether it be from a talent or culture perspective. They need to be shown the door. Minimal effort and toughness should not be tolerated.

2 things can be true at once:

— Mario and his staff have not done enough to get the best out of these players. We’ve seen schematic and personnel decisions that are mind boggling. It all starts with them, and they deserve to face the music.

— We also have some deep, structural issues with this team’s culture. It’s going to take a couple years to wash it out….if Mario lasts that long.

Bad coaching + Bad Culture + Injuries = Disaster.
Oregon never looked this bad. That’s what gets me. The level of regression from an already-mediocre team is shocking.

It’s not like the Kirby/Kyle situation or 2019 when the QB room was falling apart. TVD is a good player who was zapped of his big-play ability.

You’ve made the comment before about Mario “liking shiny things” (in the negative sense). His coaches at previous stops have displayed upward career mobility (Satterfield, Collins,Avalos, Arroyo) . This suggests some level of eye for assistant coaching talent on his part, but in this situation you have to wonder whether the staff he cobbled together was an example of him falling prey to the allure of hiring names and making splashes with the resources at his disposal rather than piecing together a staff that “fits” in the traditional sense.

And while Oregon never did look this bad, they certainly underachieved. In his 4th season with a roster full of HIS players and multiple good recruiting classes, they routinely played down to their competition and were in death matches with inferior teams. The Ohio State win notwithstanding, They won a bunch of close games and got absolutely embarrassed by Utah twice.

The most dismaying aspect about him beyond his his game day decision-making ability or his lack of schematic prowess is the clear issue he has in motivating his teams to play at a high level. It’s something that transcends the first two issues (which are correctable or manageable with quality coordinator hires and talent acquisition) because it’s a problem that will likely continue well into his tenure.

I fully expect that he’ll do the right thing and massacre this staff after the season is over. And I have no doubt he’s going to load the roster with talent between the recruits he signs and the portal with Ruiz backing him all the way. These things should result in improved on field outcomes.
But I also fully expect that we will still see the same uninspired, lethargic, underachieving style of play out of his future teams as well and that will put an unfortunate ceiling on what Miami can accomplish with him.
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Agreed 100%. Staff is getting paid too much to underachieve this grotesquely. With that said, there are players on this roster that simply don’t belong, whether it be from a talent or culture perspective. They need to be shown the door. Minimal effort and toughness should not be tolerated.

2 things can be true at once:

— Mario and his staff have not done enough to get the best out of these players. We’ve seen schematic and personnel decisions that are mind boggling. It all starts with them, and they deserve to face the music.

— We also have some deep, structural issues with this team’s culture. It’s going to take a couple years to wash it out….if Mario lasts that long.

Bad coaching + Bad Culture + Injuries = Disaster.
On this we can agree.
You’ve made the comment before about Mario “liking shiny things” (in the negative sense). His coaches at previous stops have displayed upward career mobility, but in this situation you have to wonder whether the staff he cobbled together was an example of him falling prey to the allure of hiring names and making splashes rather than piecing together a staff that “fits” in the traditional sense.

And while Oregon never did look this bad, they certainly underachieved. In his 4th season with a roster full of HIS players and multiple good recruiting classes, they routinely played down to their competition and were in death matches with inferior teams. The Ohio State win notwithstanding, They won a bunch of close games and got absolutely embarrassed by Utah twice.

The most dismaying aspect about him beyond his his game day decision-making ability or his lack of schematic prowess is the clear issue he has in motivating his teams to play at a high level. It’s something that transcends the first two issues (which are correctable or manageable with quality coordinator hires and talent acquisition) because it’s a problem that will likely continue well into his tenure.

I fully expect that he’ll do the right thing and massacre this staff after the season is over. And I have no doubt he’s going to load the roster with talent between the recruits he signs and the portal with Ruiz backing him all the way. These things should result in improved on field outcomes.
But I also fully expect that we will still see the same uninspired, lethargic, underachieving style of play out of his future teams as well and that will put an unfortunate ceiling on what Miami can accomplish with him.
Fantastic post. You hit it on the head.
What really struck me tonight was that even the FSU fans didn't seem too loud after the first score or two, it just seemed like a ho-hum game to them, like they were playing an FCS school in an early warm-up game on the schedule. That's embarassing.