Official Fall 2022 PractiSe 1

Who is that little mamacita on the right?

You know who she is. Best sloppytoppy gumjob gorilla grip twist n lick on the East

Excited Ric Flair GIF
We HAVE to have a WR step up... Right?! Too much talent to not have a true WR1.

Last year we had 2 guys in Harley and Rambo who were highly dependable. At least 2 of these guys will become go to WRs...

Brashard Smith

Edit: forgot Redding
I forgot about Redding too.

I’ve never been more confused by a player not being productive than him thus far. His frame with his high school tape made think he’d be good for sure.
Terry Moss the father of Cyrus Moss just confirmed in a space hosted by Geo that his son is getting stronger int he weight room and has gained weight. The coaches did tell him he needs to put more weight to really getting snaps. Nothing crazy we didnt know about but confirmed by dad. He will have a season to put in that game.

Dad said that Moss is a student of the game and that was one of the things that Mario loved most about him, the cerebral aspect of Moss.

Said Kid keeps most to himself, has made
some friends on the team but he's mostly a quiet guy.

Said Cristobal recruiter him very hard. "Cristobal was on his neck till the last week." Cyrus was really excited to go to Miami.

Dad said he loved Cristobal's personality over all other coaches that he recruited him. Very personable guy compared to other coaches. Said he sat down with Cyrus more than any other coaches. Took a walk with him personally along the campus. Also the other coaches left to other places. Kelly and Riley. Kelly said he was not leaving unless he got a fairy god mother offer and told The Moss family in their face that he was not going anywhere. Cristobal STOPPED recruiting Cyrus Moss for 2 weeks because he had not decided between Oregon/ Miami he was in transition. Once he made the decision he contacted him and told him he didnt want to recruit him to a place and then leave . Terry Moss said that Cristobal was the ONLY one who showed that transparency with his son.