F*ck you urban liar


Oct 18, 2014
“My guess is they’ll probably talk about it for an hour or two, come out of the meeting and not take a vote by any means but will have told the president, Michael Drake, over the course of the meeting whether they agree with whatever it is he plans to hand down in terms of the final decision on this thing,” Helwagen said. “And then, I would imagine that Michael Drake will either make an announcement after the meeting is concluded formally, or later in the day will come out with a release and perhaps a press conference to discuss the final findings for this. … It seems like at some point tomorrow, we will have closure on this if not first thing Thursday morning.”

Early media reports suggest Meyer faces some level of suspension, and not a firing or departure based on his role in the Zach and Courtney Smith domestic violence allegations and reports.

“I think that the trustees are going to come to the realization that, unless Urban Meyer has done something really seriously wrong, that it’s going to be hard to sanction him in any kind of meaningful way,” Helwagen said. “We’re all speaking today without knowing what the investigation found, but from what’s been reported publicly, I’m not sure that there’s a whole heck of a lot there that could carry more than a game or two suspension and maybe a fine of sorts.

you and saban both got a very special place in **** reserved for you

Must be nice I assume the meeting went "It's not like she's dead or anything" SMH he skates and parents of these kids are like oh well no biggie.
Urban skates...they would shut the Miami program down and burn the entire campus. Finebaum would label the school as the "pits of ****".
Read an article that said the liar is pushing back saying he should not be suspended but let it go for "time served" - his suspension with pay no less.
Tressel got fired for lying about tattoos didn’t he?

But I guess that involved vacating wins, so much worse than what Urban did...

I don't know..

If You suspend him .. your admitting some level of guilt.. if thats the case, no matter what the guilt is...he needs to go IMO

If you don't suspend... then Urban and OSU will have the #metoo movement up their *** along with the negativity that comes..

If you fire him... all you lose is some nickels....

Maybe to simplistic no?

Maybe not for a guy who has a record of 73-8 for OSU

Nothing to see here, folks.

Move along. The season will start soon. All will be forgotten shortly.
the only thing they discussing at those meeting is if there more to the report that could get out if we retain him
The fact that the mothers of these kids would still send their sons to play for this dude is a **** shame . Battle mom talkin bout wait and see, smdh

To clarify, she's saying to wait and see before she turns in that OSU bag. It ain't really about Urban. They could fire Urban and she's still going to 'take some time to think about it.' It will then be about who is the new coach. Anything to avoid giving up that bag.
**** ni99a got away with it, I hope the guy who wrote the article an ace of spades he was holding out on

I'm watching Brett McMurphy's twitter account like a hawk.

That guy has to have something left. It would be a thing of beauty if this was only the tip of the iceberg and OSU looked like *** for their investigation. Personally I want title IX to ravage that fcking school.
Lol @ anyone thinking he’s going anywhere. Lol @ the ncaa allowing it. Lol @ what would happen to us. We gotta beat all these mother ****ers fair & square. When we finally do though it’s going to feel so god **** good.
Nothing to see here, folks.

Move along. The season will start soon. All will be forgotten shortly.
They can’t move on. Anything have to do with gators, fsu, saban or notre dame is a hot button for many posters. It is fashionable to complain about these 4 colleges or their coaches. Many posters rag on these colleges and coaches because they think it will make them popular on this forum. Amazing. I could care not one bit what happens with other coaches or colleges. Only interested in Canes football.
Initial impression was the meeting was taking a long time so they could sort out their PR strategy and the message delivered of keeping him. I still expect them to keep him.

But this is at the point now that it's been taking a loooong time, Urban's wife showed up, and to me that seems a stronger indicator they're discussing terms of a buyout.

If not for Tressel, I think this would be cut and dry Urban stays on the team and is sentenced to time served. But everyone in the world is going to say how the **** could you fire Tressel but not Meyer?
They can’t move on. Anything have to do with gators, fsu, saban or notre dame is a hot button for many posters. It is fashionable to complain about these 4 colleges or their coaches. Many posters rag on these colleges and coaches because they think it will make them popular on this forum. Amazing. I could care not one bit what happens with other coaches or colleges. Only interested in Canes football.
Shut the **** up...