MEGA Everything & Everybody Sucks Megathread for Miserable Mopes & Sorry Slurpers (aka The Basura Bin)

Sanford And Son Smh GIF
watch us steamroll the ACC! Yea, I can dream. Season isn’t a failure until we are eliminated from the Coastal.
Wow, we're starting the "We can still win the Coastal" before even starting ACC play. That's an all time low right there.
"For a team that likes to consider itself back..."

Literally no one has been saying we're back. This media schtick is all so tiresome--they say it so often you would almost mistake it for them wanting us back.
I just think they’re stroking us, year in, year out, knowing how gullible our program and the fans are, and it works as we trip and fall a week later. We just need a year of no media hype/attention, but the cat is out of the bag on that one.
need to forget about it, yes it was awful, yes college football is laughing at us..... let that be motovation for staff
and players period. 2 weeks should bring about some interesting changes in personnel and scheme.
MTSU as well as TAMU are in my rear view mirror... sadly we need to let it go
You think that will happen? We have what we have, no amount of rearranging with change the current DNA.