Enjoy the New OC gents, this is the game that made me love this style

His playcalling aganist Iowa was simply beautiful..

Dude is the anti-Coley - he just has a feel for what to call and when to use the trick plays.

That was the name that I really took notice although I didn’t realize it at the time since Gattis was never really on the radar or an option

But Iowa is always a well coached team
At Miami we don’t have as fertile recruiting grounds for elite Olinemen. If we can be a place where big boys want to play we can be elite again real quick because our skill players will always be top notch.

We don’t need to run the ball all game. We just need to be ABLE to run the ball when we want to.

As great and explosive as our offense has been last couple of years we haven’t been able to consistently get yards in key situations.

Hopefully we can keep some of the big play game changing explosive plays while making an effort to be able to control the LOS and get a mean streak with everyone on field when it comes to blocking
Let me be the first to say that I would not mind seeing Jacurri being utilized as a change of pace QB like Gattis utilized JJ McCarthy. Could help ease our constant short yardage and goal line woes.

Agree. Give him a package early and use the talent on the roster.
His playcalling aganist Iowa was simply beautiful..

Dude is the anti-Coley - he just has a feel for what to call and when to use the trick plays.

Saw this one as well we just have to get the OL fixed with strong big elite movers. Not guys that are big for nothing and don't have the skill. Remember Gaynor everyone loved his HS meanstreak which doesn't mean a thing in D1. We need high end OL players that are highly sought after which I'm sure we will do.
Let me be the first to say that I would not mind seeing Jacurri being utilized as a change of pace QB like Gattis utilized JJ McCarthy. Could help ease our constant short yardage and goal line woes.

If TVD isn't as advertised yes but otherwise if TVD takes another leap there won't be a need. I'm sure though Brown would kill it cause he's a great runner and this scheme does help a guy like him that struggles with accuracy. We probably will see him for sure.
At Miami we don’t have as fertile recruiting grounds for elite Olinemen. If we can be a place where big boys want to play we can be elite again real quick because our skill players will always be top notch.

We don’t need to run the ball all game. We just need to be ABLE to run the ball when we want to.

As great and explosive as our offense has been last couple of years we haven’t been able to consistently get yards in key situations.

Hopefully we can keep some of the big play game changing explosive plays while making an effort to be able to control the LOS and get a mean streak with everyone on field when it comes to blocking
I think @DMoney has made some posts kind of debunking this thing where we don’t have as good a recruiting ground for linemen

But to your point the big fish that do come through I like our chances a lot better now
If TVD isn't as advertised yes but otherwise if TVD takes another leap there won't be a need. I'm sure though Brown would kill it cause he's a great runner and this scheme does help a guy like him that struggles with accuracy. We probably will see him for sure.
True , Shuffling QBs as much as Michigan did this past year and having scripted series could probably take TVD out of a good rhythm. But I am talking about mostly short yardage and goalline packages where we perennially struggle.
Just talking about what I would like to see in some those situations.