DVD to FIU as CB Coach

Been hearing this response a lot.

He might be in the wrong profession if thats going to hold him back.
I don’t think it’s holding him back; however, if you can stay in Miami a few more years, under a new regime at FIU, while building your resume and kids grow a little older, why not take advantage of that opportunity? It makes sense to me, at least. But point taken.
Didn't want to see this. We're losing an excellent recruiter and a guy well respected by many top prospects. The U will be here so come back home someday DVD. Wishing you all the best!
They did like him, they didn’t respect him because he’s naturally a goofy guy & isn’t really an authority figure.

He’s also still very young & was green AF as a coach. His only experience before getting hired at Miami was one season at ASA Miami Juco as CB’s/ST’s coach, that was literally it. I had more coaching experience than DVD & I haven’t been in it in 6 years lol.

FIU is the perfect place for him to learn the more technical aspect of coaching & earn his stripes.

Basically, the career path that Brandon Harris has taken, is what DVD should’ve done from the start.
Isn’t Brandon Harris the CB coach at FIU now tho, the spot DVD is rumored to be taking ? Seems like they ended up at the same point in their career regardless
One thing is for sure, if he’s asked to come back later on in his career, he’s going to command a handsome pay raise. ***** created generational wealth while learning on the job as the head corch of the ‘U’. . .