Duke Game Primer...ACC Officiating Bias Proven

You guys kill me with this "You can't leave it in the officials hands". If you get 2 TD's and 2 interceptions called back from penalties the officials made up, you really think you deserve to lose for not overcoming that? It's not an excuse when you literally have to play 2 teams, it's a FACT that you're going up against the odds. You can say "don't leave it in their hands" all you want, but anybody can lose when the refs are against them.
So what are you going to do about it? Just be better at what you can control. We didn't lose to ND, FSU or UNC because of the refs. They didn't help us, but we have plenty of blame to own.

But are you asking for an unrealistic standard of execution from people whose brains have still not fully developed? Again, one could argue big wins over FSU in the glory days happened because of THEIR failure to execute on FGs (if you look at the end and not the game as a whole). Again, if a recruit missed a game on TV back in the day, they would have to read the paper or watch a nascent ESPN (who didn't even have video rights in the early 80s) to catch an officiating mistake. Compare the coverage of Cleveland Gary's fumble to today's coverage of officiating errors; a complete sea change.

I'm **** sure opposing recruiters are negative recruiting on Miami with the line "You will get jobbed by the refs there, lowering your numbers" As you correctly pointed out "I've watched more holding this year than ever before. Wait till next year when our entire front 7 is back and better." It's common knowledge and DT/DL recruits want sacks, not uncalled holding penalties. Heck, the opposing coach can show the replays of biased officiating to the prospect on his own phone.

If you limit yourself to what you can believe you can control, you have already lost half or more of the battle. Richt, who is used to the Slive officiating model, is almost guaranteed to be asking (or already asked) Blake James and Julio Frenk about this bias. "I didn't sign up for this, do something" or words to that effect may be echoing in the Hecht and beyond.

Swofford turns 68 on the eve of Pearl Harbor Day (how fitting); it's time for Miami to "Climb Mount Niitaka" and push for his removal, as his ineptitude, Florida politics, and geography are real Power 5 membership dangers the university can't ignore...But that's for another thread.
I light of Michigan vs. O$Uck, i though bumping this thread would be okay, if only to highlight another statement in the report:

"Conference members, in aggregate, gain more revenue if a few elite teams from that conference are among the nation’s top teams [5]."

If ever there was conference this described, it's Jim Delany''s BIG.

Interestingly both he and Swofford were athletes at UNC (Swofford Football and Delany basketball) during roughly the same period and were born the same year (1948). So they both pushing 70 and have experiences and world views very different than Gen X (Born '65-84) and Millennials ('85-'05)

It's time to get rid of these aging cronies or the sport is heading for an NFL-like end, where a series of unexpected events these old men can't control, will lead to a ratings dive.

Hmm, the CFP could probably lead to another 'Bama vs. O$Uck matchup...Don't say I didn't warn you:

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