DT Earl Moore to transfer....

Because he is "white". So some believed that in prematurely crowning him they were at the same time crowning themselves as well. It's called white supremacy or its more covert form: white privilege. Just answering the question, if anyone feels implicated then there U have it if the shoe fits.

Ah, the sad pulling of the non-existent race card.
So race doesn't exist or the card doesn't exist? What's sad is your denial and feeling of being implicated. The card was created when the term was created. Not when the victims react to it. U can't tell me that my experiences don't exist just because u don't experience them yourself.
Because he is "white". So some believed that in prematurely crowning him they were at the same time crowning themselves as well. It's called white supremacy or its more covert form: white privilege. Just answering the question, if anyone feels implicated then there U have it if the shoe fits.


This board is getting whackier by the minute....
Cat just being honest about "his" American experience. I too don't believe the primarily white decision makers of firing coaches would have been so supportive or silent given the record, lack of success against FBS, average recruiting, sad attendance, low level broadcast status and dwindling revenue if Grolden was Black. That's all! It's a fact and you know it, that the always white establishment is faaarrrr more tolerant with a failing white than a black. Given Groldens obvious inabilities to coach at this level, 98.9999% of non-white establishment members will believe without hesitation that it's Grolden race that is allowing him to continue to destruct this program. With that said I want Butch back so I'm not a racist, but I'd never be so stupidly naive to believe that race is not a factor in the hiring or firing of any coach.
Harriet, you are a disgusting, racist human. There is more to a person than his race

Especially if it's a woman!

I don't care if your Black or white as long as its thick

What just happened there?

What happened is we have a bunch of loser trolls from other schools with too much free
time on their hands who are being fueled by some of our more gullible fans by indulging
them with responses.
Harriet, you are a disgusting, racist human. There is more to a person than his race

Especially if it's a woman!

I don't care if your Black or white as long as its thick

What just happened there?

I think we have a troll pretending to be a chick. The lulzable sexual nature of the posts screams "fake".

Definitely looks like it.
Well said Gator Hatar! "There's more to people than their race". That's my point exactly! A poster saw nothing in Golden and pondered on why he was ever even provided the benefit of doubt to be our coach in the first place. I suggested his race played a role since he hired at 27-34 as a HC. If u disagree then explain or answer that posters question then. Tell that to those who use race to make important decisions in society, not me. U will never do that tho because u believe it benefit U. DHUCKS u are the biggest apologist coon there is.
Harriet, you are a disgusting, racist human. There is more to a person than his race

Especially if it's a woman!

I don't care if your Black or white as long as its thick

What just happened there?

I think we have a troll pretending to be a chick. The lulzable sexual nature of the posts screams "fake".

Nailed it. I was just about to post the same. We are being trolled by a dude in drag.