Drugs/Partying and sports


Sep 19, 2013
You see there is this thing called shifting focus, I remember reading about how Dennis Rodman would go out partying drinking, doing drugs. But he never let it affect his game on the court, I said that to say this, some people just can't separate the sectors in life as good as others, they let certain things in life overlap with others. So instead thinking about what you should be focusing on at the moment, you're focused on what's going on in the outside world, and in the real world it's really hard to separate that, I served in the military so I went through it as well having to separate the party/Civilian life from Military life the thing about me is I had someone as a mentor that kept me on track and told me when I was F'ing up, everyone is not the same, some people are not as mentally tough as others so they may need a mentor or someone more mature to help keep them on the right track. It's ok to have a good time but you have to know when to turn it on or off.
You see there is this thing called shifting focus, I remember reading about how Dennis Rodman would go out partying drinking, doing drugs. But he never let it affect his game on the court, I said that to say this, some people just can't separate the sectors in life as good as others, they let certain things in life overlap with others. So instead thinking about what you should be focusing on at the moment, you're focused on what's going on in the outside world, and in the real world it's really hard to separate that, I served in the military so I went through it as well having to separate the party/Civilian life from Military life the thing about me is I had someone as a mentor that kept me on track and told me when I was F'ing up, everyone is not the same, some people are not as mentally tough as others so they may need a mentor or someone more mature to help keep them on the right track. It's ok to have a good time but you have to know when to turn it on or off.
Very well put my friend
Rick Flair partied his *** off and stayed on top.
And his life was a complete wreck . Yes he made money and banged a lot of chicks but his children and wife were very unhappy and deep down he was too . If you saw the 30 for 30 this was all evident .

Nothing wrong with going out or partying once in a while or every Saturday or whatever but when it becomes nightly and you are spending way more time getting drunk/high then living you are in **** place .
All you guys saying this guy partied and did this or that.. Do you really think they could not have achieved even more if they were not out all night partying? Putting poison in your body hurts your results. This is not up for debate.
Playmaker says hello

However he’s the rare exception, not the rule. Most people who party a lot can’t make plays like the playmaker