Doris Miller...LONG Overdue

Because it just did. He was long overshadowed by other prominent names.

Thankfully, our Navy and Nation course corrected.

I'll take the W as a positive step forward.

This. I don't get harping on the last 75 years. We will never turn any corner and move forward until people stop looking behind them.
The only real problem is the way the thread was introduced by the OP:

"This thread will get banned in about 30 secs...

But tell me again how racist our Nation is?"

As if this is somehow proof that there's no racism here. Perhaps the OP could've just provided the link to the story and added the commentary about how deserving and long overdue this was....
I was really hoping for a USS Caitlyn Jenner but this is also nice. Racism has been dead but transphobia continues to run ramped in this country. #MeToo
If it has anything to do with gender marked bathrooms being misused well that’s phobia worthy.
The only real problem is the way the thread was introduced by the OP:

"This thread will get banned in about 30 secs...

But tell me again how racist our Nation is?"

As if this is somehow proof that there's no racism here. Perhaps the OP could've just provided the link to the story and added the commentary about how deserving and long overdue this was....

Muppet, is English your second language? That's rhetorical of course.

Where did I say there is no racism?

There can be pockets of any "-ism/ist" without labeling an entire country/system as said "-ism/ist".

The only real problem is the way the thread was introduced by the OP:

"This thread will get banned in about 30 secs...

But tell me again how racist our Nation is?"

As if this is somehow proof that there's no racism here. Perhaps the OP could've just provided the link to the story and added the commentary about how deserving and long overdue this was....
They already named a ship after him. I don’t see this being long overdue. DE/FF 1091 was named after him.
When is the last time you’ve seen a linching? You never have you ****en fraud. Living off the boogie man that doesn’t exist.
Oh this is rich. First the hurling of the insult, then the denial, and then the coup de grace.
Very telling.
It is the second warship named after him. Say what you will, getting a multi-billion $$$ massive system of destruction that only one nation on earth can build named after you is about as big an honor there is. President, historic battles, and other historic great warships are the usual list of names reserved for these ship. This is a nation giving full measure of honor and should not be diminished in any way. **** good show.
Cuba whoops Lattimer's (The Program actor) *** in a boxing match, then Pearl harbor happened and it shows him helping the Captain, manning the 50's, and shooting down a plane. Seems to be fairly accurate portrayal. To be honest i never knew the guys name, just the feats he performed on that day.