Don't shoot me, I'm only the piano player. This doesn't sound good at all.

The media doom and gloom sportswriters who run to twitter or to print a doom and gloom article as fast as they can are the worst.

Its like a race to see who can post the worst negative slanted tweet like its some badge of honor.

yeah let’s send 100 student athletes back to their Nearly 100 different hometowns! That’ll control the virus.

Absolute no reason not to play football this fall. NONE. These players want to play, they are the healthiest people in the country, and if they opt out the NCAA can grant them a free redshirt.

Coaches who feel like they are in danger like say a Mack Brown he can keep his distance, he can wear a mask. If he feels he needs to sit this year then so be it. Assistant coaches can step in, there are numerous support staff on these staffs who can step in.

In the words of Jordan Belfort, “The show goes on”!
The media doom and gloom sportswriters who run to twitter or to print a doom and gloom article as fast as they can are the worst.

Its like a race to see who can post the worst negative slanted tweet like its some badge of honor.

yeah let’s send 100 student athletes back to their Nearly 100 different hometowns! That’ll control the virus.

Absolute no reason not to play football this fall. NONE. These players want to play, they are the healthiest people in the country, and if they opt out the NCAA can grant them a free redshirt.

Coaches who feel like they are in danger like say a Mack Brown he can keep his distance, he can wear a mask. If he feels he needs to sit this year then so be it. Assistant coaches can step in, there are numerous support staff on these staffs who can step in.

In the words of Jordan Belfort, “The show goes on”!

1. The media is always in a race to tear things down or build them up.
2. Masks are most useful when infected people use them. Not as useful when you’re the only one wearing a mask in a room Or sideline of 100 people
3. pros Are opting out of millions to not play. What makes you think everyone wants to play when they are the oppressed and playing for free?
4. I want college football more than anyone, but I don’t see it happening this fall. Stupid people f’d it up for everyone
Time to face reality: ‘No one is playing college football in the fall’

Pete ThamelYahoo SportsJul 13, 2020, 12:06 PM

Pucker up, guys.
I’ve been saying the szn won’t start on time..but there will be a szn both Collegiate and professional..hopefully with the lack of football ppl will pay attention to how our leadership got us in this mess and vote these bums out.
Hover institute STANFORD University. Hopefully this university leads us all back onto the field. Watch and learn California liberals and those who fear monger. We better play football, because if we don’t, I will absolutely blame the coming election. ENOUGH!!!!!
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Society needs a healthy distraction from all the nonsense in the world. I thought CFB would do it but sadly that might not happen. The only thing I have left to look forward to is The Mandalorian in October.

I am curious to see how fast the worlds problems disappear once the elections are over. We'll find out how much of this **** is manufactured or not on Nov. 4th.
They're just trying to see how they can have football WITH fans in the seats. Play it without, that loss of revenue is going to sink a lot of programs. Of course there's the spread of infection to older staff in particular that's a concern, but make no mistake it's a dollars and cents decision.
I think how successful (or unsuccessful) the NBA & MLB are over the month will be a big factor on whether or not there's a football season.

Hopefully they go smoothly.
Hey, we are Canes. We haven't seen any college football for a decade or more except one outlining year, so who cares. Put reruns of Married With Children on. Just make sure all the college coaches, professors and administrators don't get paid until school and sports open back up. Oh, and make sure pro coaches, players and owners get zero too. While we are at it, can we put all the politicians, teachers, and federal health agency administrators get laid off like everyone else. Let's see what they think about shutting down life as we know it then. I haven't missed a paycheck and am old so let me tell you it is real frigging easy to say shut it down when it is not hurting you, but we are destroying our country and it needs to stop.

People get sick, recover or die every day but life goes on. We did ervery thing the "experts" told us to, now it is time to move on. IF they were right they can take a bow; if they were wrong, they need to be fired. Looks like this virus is going to take its toll in human life and health so lets get on with it. **** according the "experts" the whole world only has 10 years left anyway. According the "experts" when I was in college we all died about 30 years ago from a new ice age. I've had two kids and 6 grandkids exposed of showing symptoms so far and all tested negative. So far the only damage has been about 5 years off my wife's and I lives worrying about them. Lets play ball.