D'Onofrio Interviews for Temple - Updated :-/ I haz a sad

Then why is he a finalist for the job? Obviously Temple cares more about what Dorito helped build at Temple than what he's done in two years with a bunch of scrubs at Miami. Not sure about him having a rep for being harsh with players but if it's true Temple didn't have a problem with it when he was their DC so I doubt they care now.
Al and Duh' were heroes at Temple. Just because Miami fans hate him for one bad year doesn't mean Temple feels the same way.
I'll take Bradley in a ****ing heartbeat.

Where is Bradley now? Still at State Penn?

Pretty sure he was out of football this year. He didn't stay on at Ped State after last season.

I think he went back to the Pittsburgh area where he originally hails from and did some radio/tv work for the
local media....I think some stuff with the Steelers.

By the way Chise, good seeing you out here.
I'm the dude from Maryland on the other site. :)
Is this why we haven't seen D'Onofrio recruiting much right now? I never see his name in the reports of in-home visits, phone calls, etc.

When did we see his name with recruiting? I don't remember ever seeing his name involved with recruiting, but maybe I just wasnt paying close enough attention.
who would he take though??...

and if he does go you would have to think our incoming dc would atleast want to bring in a guy with him.

I'm all in on Bradley and Spaziani...keep the psu thing going with Golden...heck Spaz knows the ins and outs of the acc already too imo.

Your not out scheming those two guys.....too many times this year that i flat out saw our d get dictated too...outschemed and out flanked just in alignment before the snap....

i never blamed it all on youth...as youth hurts on o more so than on defense....it was a mix of the two this year...but coach d just doesnt seem ready as a dc at a big time program as of yet

Yeah......and Temple is on the cusp of hiring him as head coach because he is "not capable of being a coordinator of a big program as of yet"? We got dictated to because we were hot garbage up front and young talent all over the field. Coach D isn't the problem and if he's here next year, he's gonna be passing out a lot of crow.

He was THEIR DC for five years, obviously they know what they're getting.

Then why is he a finalist for the job? Obviously Temple cares more about what Dorito helped build at Temple than what he's done in two years with a bunch of scrubs at Miami. Not sure about him having a rep for being harsh with players but if it's true Temple didn't have a problem with it when he was their DC so I doubt they care now.
People need to get the **** over the argument about players not liking him.

First of all, it was most likely kids who were riding the bench and didn't like the matter-of-fact way they were told why. Poor babies. This is bigtime college ball here.

The real players on the team, like Tracy Howard, bucked back like a man but still took the criticism to heart and progressively improved over the season.

Unfortunately, we still have some whiners on this team and even more unfortunately, their parents who pop off in the media.
I will be shocked if coach d is named head coach at temple.


He just fielded the worst defense in the history of UM football. He has a rep for being very harsh with players. The only way he gets the Temple gig is if Golden has pics on the AD or President of the School and demands a favor.

No one know's Coach D better than the current Temple A.D. He was offered the job post Golden without an interview, so obviously he feels different than you do.
We just need the best DC there is. If he's a good recruiter, that's icing on the cake.

PSU can't recruit in the south. We need someone with ties to a recruiting hot bed and that can coach. **** Bradley or any of the PSU guys.
I will be shocked if coach d is named head coach at temple.


He just fielded the worst defense in the history of UM football. He has a rep for being very harsh with players. The only way he gets the Temple gig is if Golden has pics on the AD or President of the School and demands a favor.

No one know's Coach D better than the current Temple A.D. He was offered the job post Golden without an interview, so obviously he feels different than you do.

The tail end of my post was meant to be humorous, old boy.
If u think temple is a big program I don't kno what to tell u...they just had a corch leave them...a guy in addazio who is a walking clown.we were outschemed majority of games an plays that worked ain first game of season worked last game of season..no progression I don't care how young we were
Never discussed but should be, coach d is amazing at finding talent. He is most responsible for some of the reaches, like e.j., that everyone gets so excited about. We will miss this part most IMHO.
The **** I've near read anything about D'onofrio recruiting the two years he's been here