Off-Topic Does God actually exist?

I was only making a case that the universe could not be past eternal and that the concept of infinity doesn’t apply to our reality for the very reasons you illustrate. I can take an infinite set of negative numbers and add them to an infinite set of all the positive numbers and still get the same result if I then subtracted the infinite set of all negative numbers from all the positive.

However, there is nothing probable about the distance travelled by the head of a hammer that meets your skull and makes a loud thud with all due respect to physicists and engineers with their fuzzy quantum probabilities.
I agree with your premise and conclusions… but I disagree that the head of the hammer ever “meets” a skull- the matter is “infinitesimally” small compared to the space between the subatomic particles that constitute it. What we sense is the energy release from the interaction of matter through the 4 fundamental forces of nature more-so than the collision of actual matter.

Also, your example of infinite sets might be mis-stated. I think you mean to ADD the negative set to the positive, not subtract the negative set from the positive set. Subtracting the infinite set of negative integers from the infinite set of positive integers will give a new infinite set of positive even numbers.
You know I love the irony. I will say I hope He is, but I don’t believe He is. A definite conundrum for me. I think I love apologetics and theology more than I ever loved God. Thank you. A lil walk down memory lane.
A conundrum indeed.

As you know, I’m always open to discussion.
For the first example, a mathematician would argue that the discordance stems from our lack of understanding about the real world. In reality, you can never travel from point A to point B. All numbers, when applied to reality are unreachable and just as obtuse. We travel in space, through space, at quantum levels in fuzzy probabilities. This is partly why physicists and engineers deal with significant digits and probabilities.

For the second example, the issue is lack of specificity. Infinity is better defined by infinite sets. One infinity might be the set of all integers while another may be the set of all real numbers between 5 and 6.

Most importantly, this has nothing/everything to do with God.
You're a sharp fella, shockingly so - considering the sweeping partisan comments I've seen you make - forgive me if I'm confusing you with someone else.
Is this question asking if some sort of greater entity exists? If so, idk.

Or is this question asking if the God of Abraham (Yahweh, God, Allah) actually actually exists? If so, lol of course not.
I agree with your premise and conclusions… but I disagree that the head of the hammer ever “meets” a skull- the matter is “infinitesimally” small compared to the space between the subatomic particles that constitute it. What we sense is the energy release from the interaction of matter through the 4 fundamental forces of nature more-so than the collision of actual matter.

Also, your example of infinite sets might be mis-stated. I think you mean to ADD the negative set to the positive, not subtract the negative set from the positive set. Subtracting the infinite set of negative integers from the infinite set of positive integers will give a new infinite set of positive even numbers.

Yes, I misstated that part so thanks for the clarification. But you understood the point I was trying to make.

I think the variable that hasn’t been mentioned so far is that of the interaction of mind and the observer effect in quantum physics.

In this case mind seems to superimpose itself at the quantum and macro level and is of a distinctly different nature than matter and energy. I don’t believe mind is an emergent property of matter.

The phenomena of mind and intentionality makes a good case for a cosmic mind (aka God) that brings about energy and organizes the matter which the universe consists of and eventually leads to sentient life like us who can ponder these questions.

I think from there another good case can be made for a personal God that is outside of time and space that intends the creation of the universe approx 14 billion years ago.

If both God and the universe are coeternal then the universe would have been present from eternity but the evidence of expansion tells us it had a temporal beginning.
I will get back with this request. I have been setting some plants on fire. There have been some effects. But not drugs. I didn’t mix anything with water flour or baking soda!! 😎Katt Williams the GOAT

Hopefully you did not accidentally burn you bible and can get back to me on this request. Really curious where you get biblical support that God answers only born again Christians. Job and Abraham are wondering about that too!
YES. Go to these two websites:

You can download various papers on the survival of consciousness:

Go to this website on Near-Death Experiences:

This is my personal website which will discuss my new 4-volume book titled "A Greater Reality". Note that the book will be published on September 1st and the website is still under construction:

Interesting stuff. I am assuming the Bigelow mentioned in your 1st link is the same Bigelow of Skinwalker Ranch fame?

What are your thoughts that these interdimensional entities are not always benevolent? I am sure you are aware of Aliester Crowley?
Yes, I misstated that part so thanks for the clarification. But you understood the point I was trying to make.

I think the variable that hasn’t been mentioned so far is that of the interaction of mind and the observer effect in quantum physics.

In this case mind seems to superimpose itself at the quantum and macro level and is of a distinctly different nature than matter and energy. I don’t believe mind is an emergent property of matter.

The phenomena of mind and intentionality makes a good case for a cosmic mind (aka God) that brings about energy and organizes the matter which the universe consists of and eventually leads to sentient life like us who can ponder these questions.

I think from there another good case can be made for a personal God that is outside of time and space that intends the creation of the universe approx 14 billion years ago.

If both God and the universe are coeternal then the universe would have been present from eternity but the evidence of expansion tells us it had a temporal beginning.
Our mortal brain can’t comprehend the beginning no matter the science we think we know.

There only one and we didn’t want to believe him and hung him on a tree because we didn’t want to know the truth.

Today we still don’t want the truth we hunt fir our own . The truth is coming again like a thief in the night and everything will be made clear to those who believe and to those well they continue to search for what is in front of them but there heart will be rock hard in denial and wondering aimlessly.
Yes, the same Bigelow. We conducted a 5-year academic research on UFO Contact Experiencers with a large team of retired Ph.D. academics. We received over 4,300 responses to our 3 surveys from UFO contact experiencers from over 125 countries. 96% of their experiences were NOT negative. What you read on the internet is pure bull****. Go check our 820-page book titled "Beyond UFOs: The Science of Consciousness and Contact with Non-Human Intelligence" Here is the link: Amazon product ASIN 1721088652

Are you familiar with Dr J Mack’s work? I first read Abduction which was his case studies of people who experienced abduction by “aliens”.

My recollection was that these people experienced emotional trauma and that the encounters were disturbing. The “aliens” never asked your permission for contact.

How do you trust these experiences are for our benefit and not something more sinister?

I am sure you know about the hitchhiker effect?
Not only very familiar with him but Dr. Rudy Schild, one of our co-editors, an Emeritus Prof of Astro Physics at Harvard, was one of his best friend. His first book was spoon fed to Mack by Bud Hopkies. All of the characters in that book were given to him after Hopkins got finished with them re horrible experiences. After he published Abductions he began to began to get hundreds of other new cases. All contradicted the BS that Hopkins was feeding him. He would up publishing his last book, Passport to the Cosmos, which totally dismissed his initial theories in his book Abductions. The abduction phenomenon was BS invented by Hopkins and David Jacobs. Mack was initially conned into believing this BS. He later corrected himself. If you send me your email I will send you over 300 pages from our book "Beyond UFOs" and a 7 page summary of our books. This was the world's first and only comprehensive academic research study on UFO Contact Experiencer. Harvard astrophysicist, Dr. Rudy Schild, Dr. Jon Klimo, Apollo 14 Astronaut and myself were the co-editors of the co-founders of this research study. My email is: Info@AGreaterReality.Com

Thanks for the info. I have always been interested in this phenomenon and have come to believe in the inter dimensional theory of where these entities enter our universe from other realms as opposed that they come from Zeti Reticuli or some other place.

I do watch Skinwalker on History channel. I am sure after 20 years of Bigelow’s research he has some stories. But it seems that the intelligence(s) they are in contact with is more of a trickster than some embassador of good will.
Theres only one entity that actually was god and that was me:

remember me futurama GIF

No, I'm kidding. To me, I find the existence of a supernatural entity completely unrealistic and the scientific explanation for life makes more sense to me.
So if God started everything, what started God? Is there something even bigger than God? If God started from nothing to create all we see, why can’t we think that all of this just started from nothing as well?
Great quote, hadn't heard it before. Googling I found this take on it...

It made me think of a book I'm currently reading: The Case Against Reality: Why Evolution Hid the Truth from Our Eyes - Donald Hoffman. A fascinating take about the limits of our perception.
@We the Boss Dude. Chapter 10 of The Case Against Reality: Why Evolution Hid the Truth from Our Eyes directly references this exact quote from Wittgenstein.

We are totally living in a simulation.
So if God started everything, what started God? Is there something even bigger than God? If God started from nothing to create all we see, why can’t we think that all of this just started from nothing as well?
Every day, I become more convinced there is so much more than meets our eyes.
Every day, I become more convinced there is so much more than meets our eyes.
In nature, in our social system, and in our personal lives we remain more blind than seeing.

Socrates nailed it years ago, but the key is to not become defeated and withdrawn from the world. Rather we rage on. Also imagine the arrogance to say the first part to a jury who’s looking to kills you.

Well I am certainly wiser than this man. It is only too likely that neither of us has any knowledge to boast of; but he thinks that he knows something which he does not know, whereas I am quite conscious of my ignorance. At any rate it seems that I am wiser than he is to this small extent, that I do not think that I know what I do not know.