Off-Topic Does God actually exist?

I do.

Pray? As an ex-Altar Boy, and while attending Catholic schools, of course. My mind was elsewhere, though, while my mouth recited either the Latin or English words (which did not resonate with me at all).
My mom taught Sunday school growing up and I'm a confirmed Catholic, but after my confirmation I quickly drifted away from any and all religious activities because I was pretty certain I was just spinning my wheels.

Since then, the only thing that has made me think twice about the existence of God was reading Proof of Heaven, by Eben Alexander. Great read, and although I believe it stirred up a fair amount of controversy, it did give me some hope that maybe there is a greater power.
Yes, Blake and Manny were fired and we got a serious infusion of money.
Bad news alert! Biblically speaking, if when you made those prayers you were not born again, God didn’t hear your prayers. So either someone else’s prayer got through, you are born again, or the god of Bible didn’t answer your prayer.
Bad news alert! Biblically speaking, if when you made those prayers you were not born again, God didn’t hear your prayers. So either someone else’s prayer got through, you are born again, or the god of Bible didn’t answer your prayer.
Or maybe it was just a joke.
My mom taught Sunday school growing up and I'm a confirmed Catholic, but after my confirmation I quickly drifted away from any and all religious activities because I was pretty certain I was just spinning my wheels.

Since then, the only thing that has made me think twice about the existence of God was reading Proof of Heaven, by Eben Alexander. Great read, and although I believe it stirred up a fair amount of controversy, it did give me some hope that maybe there is a greater power.
Another good read :

The Purpose Driven Life

By Rick Warren
What say you? God yes or no? If yes, Personal God or nah? If no, what/how?
God. Yes. He’s just been absent for the past 20 years due to our failed UM administration. He’s back on board. The rest of CFB can start praying now.