Do we put our players on a level they are not on?


[]_[] Forever
Jun 3, 2016
I know we all do this, but sometimes I think we want so bad for our player to be great, that we overate our talent (as fans) going into the season. We have a lot of really good players, and a lot of good ones coming up, but do we overestimate our talent on the roster? We expect championships, be it ACC or NC, do we try an convince ourselves that we are at that level. I believe we are close, but not there. I guess my "goal" for this year is 10 wins. Just a drinking rant, sorry for boring some of you fellas. I just feel we overate our player alot.
Thank for the feedback. Go Canes! :11263272045-489f4f7972-o:
Yeah, because South Florida 3 stars are 5 stars everywhere else, and because Ft Lauderdale has more NFL players on its own than Texas, California, and the whole SEC combined.

Any time we lose, it’s “skeemz” and “corches,” and it has nothing at all to do with the other team having good players.
I’d say it was at the all time high around 05-10… everyone was always the next “insert past UM great”

not surprising coming off the early 00s run…

I think this past decade has neutered things a bit but I think we all know we’ve had a talent edge on most of the conference that coaching has held back from being able to win more than 10games in a season once last decade
King is on a level that we have not had in a long time.

We have the most mature team we have had in a long time.

Are some players overrated by our fans? Sure, but this team has high expectations this season and there's good reasons for it.
I know we all do this, but sometimes I think we want so bad for our player to be great, that we overate our talent (as fans) going into the season. We have a lot of really good players, and a lot of good ones coming up, but do we overestimate our talent on the roster? We expect championships, be it ACC or NC, do we try an convince ourselves that we are at that level. I believe we are close, but not there. I guess my "goal" for this year is 10 wins. Just a drinking rant, sorry for boring some of you fellas. I just feel we overate our player alot.
Thank for the feedback. Go Canes! :11263272045-489f4f7972-o:
the answer is, YES!
Yes. Exhibit A is Zion Nelson. Others like King, Bolden, Stevenson, Mallory, Silvera, Harley, Frierson are also good but won't be drafted until day 3. Deandre Johnson, Jon Ford, DJ Ivey, Rambo etc are career JAGS (does not mean they suck) who are expected to perform well in prominent roles on blind faith. We are talented enough to win a lot of games but hamstrung by some questionable evals, turning DEs into LBs, recruiting small players and 7on7 all-stars.
The upper echelon has classes better than ours last season every year, and some for a decade now. We’re just not going to be there yet. Keep building though. Finish a season on a positive note with ten wins for once and lock up another top 10 class. Rinse repeat. When the entire roster is filled with kids from elite classes then we can make championship waves. Doesn’t make this season and less important for the final result.
Best way to judge talent is by production. That should answer your question. Secondly, is the talent you getting highly desired by top 5-10 teams?
Yes...too many to list. I am a major Hurricanes fan, I even put my money with my mouth. But, I can EASILY see Miami $hitting the bed with a Clemson type performance.
Yes. Exhibit A is Zion Nelson. Others like King, Bolden, Stevenson, Mallory, Silvera, Harley, Frierson are also good but won't be drafted until day 3. Deandre Johnson, Jon Ford, DJ Ivey, Rambo etc are career JAGS (does not mean they suck) who are expected to perform well in prominent roles on blind faith. We are talented enough to win a lot of games but hamstrung by some questionable evals, turning DEs into LBs, recruiting small players and 7on7 all-stars.
You almost went a whole sentence without ripping Zion.....almost.
We should be able to beat Clemson by now if we are being honest which would put us in the playoffs by default. Good head coaches are able to win those games even if they have a talent advantage at some positions.