2024 DL David Stone [commits to Okla] ENUFF

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I have sat through 20 years of mediocrity and ineptitude and before the move west attended every home game + bowl. I have spoken with some important people and I know that we’re gonna get this ship righted. Still not gonna get super hype as of rn… it’s a “50/50” with a kid who was all OU until a couple of days ago. I really dc if you believe me or not, been on several forums for a while (Znir1) and just started using this one.

Edit: In terms of getting the ship righted, I don’t mean this recruitment specifically, just talking recruiting and development in general. We’re gonna ball, but not confident with this specific recruitment or some other stuff this weekend. Let it play out on the field and we’ll be pleasantly surprised. I have faith in that.
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Cribby we need our passies again

I don't normally doubt Cribby. He's typically on point, but he's still only as good as the person feeding him the intel. Even our coaches have read things wrong this cycle and been played like a fiddle. I'd be absolutely shocked if either guy picked us tomorrow. At least we'll have the season to take our mind off this average class.
What if it’s the anti troll. you know, like stuff that will make people think he’s trolling. So he trolls the trolls off that trolling. Trollonomics 2.0
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That’s something @TRick72 would create in his mind and spiral out of control into for hours pondering if it’s a troll or troll of trolls takeout kind of thing.
I don't normally doubt Cribby. He's typically on point, but he's still only as good as the person feeding him the intel. Even our coaches have read things wrong this cycle and been played like a fiddle. I'd be absolutely shocked if either guy picked us tomorrow. At least we'll have the season to take our mind off this average class.
I take Cribby’s word as gospel. If I’m wrong, I wanna be wrong with that guy. Won’t lose money betting on Cribby.
I take Cribby’s word as gospel. If I’m wrong, I wanna be wrong with that guy. Won’t lose money betting on Cribby.
Not putting words in his mouff but he seems torn on Stone but knows we’re in it. It’s Patterson he has refused to waiver on.
I don't normally doubt Cribby. He's typically on point, but he's still only as good as the person feeding him the intel. Even our coaches have read things wrong this cycle and been played like a fiddle. I'd be absolutely shocked if either guy picked us tomorrow. At least we'll have the season to take our mind off this average class.
Yeah I’m also not feeling great about either
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