Did Jeff Thomas leave the team

Cager and Langham are both better than Pope

Just had a nice bowl homemade chili for lunch and now my toilet at work is gonna be in use later
Posters are blaming the players and/or saying "kids these days" type of rhetoric. Does the defense not have young guys on their side of the ball? Why is it that all the players that are unhappy seem to be on the offensive side of the ball? Why isn't there a bunch of defensive players wavering? Makes you think that maybe many of the offensive coaches are not very good at their jobs. But yea let's blame the players because posters can't think logically.
Lol you just proved the point, they are complaining because things are rough, that's what "kids these days" do. The defense isn't struggling...
100% agree it is a bigger issue than "just" the players. I'm just saying, contrary to the sentiment you read on here 24/7 ad nauseum, there is blame to be placed on some of these kids' shoulders as well rather than anything and everything being 100% CMR's fault.

I agree there is enough blame to go around to everyone. the thing about JT4 is this, initially baga was all over him and then even after he dominated the UA game it was really Illinois and Louisville that was in it for him besides us. At that time this raised red flags to me because unless there was some baggage baga would not have backed off. So maybe he was a flake all along but we were desperate to sign WRs so we took him. However, having said that, Dugas should know that every player needs to be treated differently some players deserve different leashes than others. Coaches who understand this and can manage egos like Jimmy will ultimately succeed. One of the issues with our offensive staff seems that they are too my way or the highway.
Just a thought on JT's character - go live in E. St. Louis for a couple years and see how your character holds up. Driven through there many times since the 80's (fast) and assure you just getting out alive is the goal. It's like St. Louis outsourced their slums to Illinois - a grim place to live. I'm hoping for the best for him and hope it's at Miami.
Unfortunately there are people like this who comprise a large segment of our fanbase.

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Taking down your Canes social media stuff

Can I get an upvote?

Looks like hes still on the squad

Your emotions aside, my best guess is that the coaches are going to try to talk him back off the ledge. JT's best hope is that he has someone in STL who can inject some maturity into him in real time.

We'll see. Either way, OP's guy in STL was correct in that JT had left. You owe the man an up vote.
He didn't know **** by the end anyway
When he left we have been left with nothing. Nobody has any real inside info on anything. That's just my opinion and I know others disagree.

A lot of it has to do with how Richt is running things involving media access.

Team sources are strongly discouraged on speaking with the media, or even simply confirming things before the team is ready to release it on their own. There are repercussions on both sides for doing so, Pete even experienced this with the Malek Young injury news release.

Everyone loves talking about how kids play in practice, but clam up when it's time to confirm things that actually affect the team. Most of what I hear ends up being true, but in my position you have to get someone directly involved with the team to confirm things before you say anything, like in this situation or the suspensions from last week. Being new, I've been pretty conservative on this so far, but I'm thinking of riding with a few trusted "outside" sources and saying ***** it.
Read the thread title then call your night school English teacher that helped you get your GED. "DID Jeff Thomas Leave the team". He's a grandpa and missed the question mark but he clearly phrased it in the form of a question.

****, he even listed his source a few posts in (someone he knows in St. Louis)

Now repent and go up vote that old man.
Can u please allow me to up vote the old man again? Once is unsatisfying. I need to do it again.
From TOS:

Spoke to one source close to Mark Pope who confirmed Jeff Thomas left the team. But we’re still trying to hammer down the reason.

As for Pope, who some are speculating also might leave, the source said, “Mark’s not playing, he’s not happy. Me and Mark we talk every day. He really doesn’t understand what’s going on, I don’t understand what’s going on. They say one thing … we just don’t know right now. At the end of the season Mark has to figure out and do what’s best for him.”

Spoke to another source who is close to the program who wouldn’t confirm Thomas situation but said regarding Pope that “It’s not UM’s fault with him, I had to break it down to him. He became Mark Pope by working hard, has to keep working. He’s not leaving as of now but if things don’t change he might try. It’s all on him and UM.”

Also Mike Harley has been mentioned as a possible guy who could leave but just spoke to a third source who said he's not going anywhere. But he also said this: “He’s just there. You get what I’m saying? He doesn’t understand what’s going on and I said just trust the process.”

Also, Jeff Thomas is away from the team but still in Miami.
Pope has not had instant success. I guess that is hard to deal with. Am sure he expected to walk in as a starter.
A lot of it has to do with how Richt is running things involving media access.

Team sources are strongly discouraged on speaking with the media, or even simply confirming things before the team is ready to release it on their own. There are repercussions on both sides for doing so, Pete even experienced this with the Malek Young injury news release.

Everyone loves talking about how kids play in practice, but clam up when it's time to confirm things that actually affect the team. Most of what I hear ends up being true, but in my position you have to get someone directly involved with the team to confirm things before you say anything, like in this situation or the suspensions from last week. Being new, I've been pretty conservative on this so far, but I'm thinking of riding with a few trusted sources and saying ***** it.

This is the way it's supposed to be...Not worried about the little media. Let alone social media.
A lot of it has to do with how Richt is running things involving media access.

Team sources are strongly discouraged on speaking with the media, or even simply confirming things before the team is ready to release it on their own. There are repercussions on both sides for doing so, Pete even experienced this with the Malek Young injury news release.

Everyone loves talking about how kids play in practice, but clam up when it's time to confirm things that actually affect the team. Most of what I hear ends up being true, but in my position you have to get someone directly involved with the team to confirm things before you say anything, like in this situation or the suspensions from last week. Being new, I've been pretty conservative on this so far, but I'm thinking of riding with a few trusted sources and saying ***** it.

I don’t hate anyone but if did, I would hate Mark Richt.