Did Jeff Thomas leave the team

I never changed the topic. You are the one that keeps changing the topic.

You didn't correct me. I stated in my original comment that he would have to sit out. I literally said the other option is. Transfer to Oklahoma. Sit out a year. Get drafted early first round.

You pointed out some BS that OK doesn't send people to the NFL because of the system. I pointed out that the GUY YOU NAMED was not drafted low due to the OK system. You then added even more supporting information to my point.

Then you said OK has more 4 and 5 stars than us so they have more talent so they should send more WRs to the NFL. I stated that the recruiting services are not perfect.

So since you have no idea what you are talking about you are the one trying to change the subject. Anyone with half a brain would realize that Jeff Thomas getting 500 yards in a year is not going to get drafted nearly as high as Jeff on Oklahoma receiving 1500 yards in a year.

Just take your L and stop backpedaling to save the embarrassment.

OK buddy, your're right, you didn't change the discussion four times. We'll just agree to disagree.
Because HC's who know anything about CFB don't "promise" ANY recruit a set amount of playtime. You have to earn it, no matter who you are. Period. This is just basic common sense, man. If a kid comes in and doesn't do the right things, he doesn't deserve to play. I'm not saying that is the case with JT4, I'm saying it as a general principle to this concept of a hyped recruit being promised a set amount of playtime.

It's unreal how many excuses everyone here will make for these kids being dumbfvcks due to the hatred of the staff. The staff deserves their fair share of criticism, yes. But Kosi getting suspended in the summer, JT4 *****ing for 2 straight years and now showing up late and fighting with his position coach, Harley being constantly disruptive, other players being suspended, Pope's dumb *** crying on social media after a win and hyping up UF, etc etc etc... this sh-t is indefensible, man.

JT4 was a last minute pick up after Dugans struck out on his main target Jeudy, Harley was wavering, Latrell had decommitted. At the time JT4 commited our WR recruiting was a shtshow. That's why I would not be surprised he was promised certain things just to get him to sign (which is done all the time by many programs) and maybe in JT4's mind the coaches have let him down.

If it was just 1 player I would think its more on the player but when you see multiple players complaining about leaving it has to be a bigger issue than just the players
Probably. Wouldn't doubt that's happening and they'd have some valid point. Problem is, he can't just go to another school. He'd have to sit out a year which at that point, he'd be eligible for the NFL draft. Might as well just suck it up for 1 more year than leave.
Can't you play immediately at a FCS school?
He will never be a 6th rounder unless he gets injured.
6th round at best if he blows off his junior year. He is head case who makes poor decisions and everyone knows it. If he doesn’t come back and finish the semester he is career is probably done. To late for withdrawals and clearly he can’t afford all the F’s he would get.
Unfortunately there are people like this who comprise a large segment of our fanbase.

Legitimately stupid individuals.

Ah good to know the board mods let random ****twads throw **** at the wall with zero repercussions

Just like how yall let Sileo JR roam around with his false crooting nuggets all season when yall knew he was a troll

Your analysis is incorrect.

The old guy heard from someone he knows in STL (who probably knows he's a Canes fan) and said he heard JT left the team. He came here and asked if JT has left the team. GrandPa Cane guy (OP) did it the right way. His only mistake was forgetting to use a question mark but its clearly a question-based post.

And now we find that JT has left the team, be it temporary or permanent, OP's info turned out to be correct.
Hows does the "next man up" theory work, if all the next men transfer out, and oh, incase you haven't heard, we don't have much of a '19 class to work with either!

Perhaps you just simply misspoke, and you meant to say, "next coach up!"
1. Richt is going NO WHERE!! 2. If they want out oh well see ya.
JT4 was a last minute pick up after Dugans struck out on his main target Jeudy, Harley was wavering, Latrell had decommitted. At the time JT4 commited our WR recruiting was a shtshow. That's why I would not be surprised he was promised certain things just to get him to sign (which is done all the time by many programs) and maybe in JT4's mind the coaches have let him down.

If it was just 1 player I would think its more on the player but when you see multiple players complaining about leaving it has to be a bigger issue than just the players
100% agree it is a bigger issue than "just" the players. I'm just saying, contrary to the sentiment you read on here 24/7 ad nauseum, there is blame to be placed on some of these kids' shoulders as well rather than anything and everything being 100% CMR's fault.
Cager and Langham are both better than Pope

Harley is better than Pope

Pope might be the worst wr on the team I’d rather have Cager and Langham than Pope on the field so y’all can save this bs about better players mad bc they’re not playing.

Wiggins the one Pope needs to be mad at lol 3 star team mate taking all ur reps lil buddy
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JT4 was a last minute pick up after Dugans struck out on his main target Jeudy, Harley was wavering, Latrell had decommitted. At the time JT4 commited our WR recruiting was a shtshow. That's why I would not be surprised he was promised certain things just to get him to sign (which is done all the time by many programs) and maybe in JT4's mind the coaches have let him down.

If it was just 1 player I would think its more on the player but when you see multiple players complaining about leaving it has to be a bigger issue than just the players

Posters are blaming the players and/or saying "kids these days" type of rhetoric. Does the defense not have young guys on their side of the ball? Why is it that all the players that are unhappy seem to be on the offensive side of the ball? Why isn't there a bunch of defensive players wavering? Makes you think that maybe many of the offensive coaches are not very good at their jobs. But yea let's blame the players because posters can't think logically.
Can't you play immediately at a FCS school?
Not too many folks going that route if planning on getting drafted.

NFL teams are not looking for quitters. They already have enough basketcases in the league they have to deal with today. Character issues are becoming bigger and bigger in the league now.
Be happy that there is discourse within the team and or coaches. The faster this mess surfaces, the faster major changes are made. If several players quit and transfer, then the powers that be will be forced to make changes. This season has been a disaster, 2019 recruiting has fallen off the cliff, major changes in football program is about to occur.