Did Jeff Thomas leave the team

Just want to say we never had kids like Coley, Howard, or Duke Johnson never left the team when Golden ran the show
Just goes to show you just how bad of a fit Richt's O is for this team. It's far beyond bad. No one wants to play that crap football.
Maybe he's worried about heading into the draft with a better status more than how quickly he can get there. I don't blame him. Go to a real program, sit out a year, then showcase his true abilities and he's drafted in the top 2 rounds. Stay here, touching the ball twice a game running nothing but fly routes and he's a 4-5 round pick.

Smart money move
Its 100% the opposite. He is getting touches here. He is definitely getting enough exposure here. He has already shown what he can do. Stats are not the most important thing, showing your skills/traits are, at least to NFL Scouts. Anyone in Jeff Thomas' position who would sit out their junior year is absolutely making a stupid decision.
From TOS:

Spoke to one source close to Mark Pope who confirmed Jeff Thomas left the team. But we’re still trying to hammer down the reason.

As for Pope, who some are speculating also might leave, the source said, “Mark’s not playing, he’s not happy. Me and Mark we talk every day. He really doesn’t understand what’s going on, I don’t understand what’s going on. They say one thing … we just don’t know right now. At the end of the season Mark has to figure out and do what’s best for him.”

Spoke to another source who is close to the program who wouldn’t confirm Thomas situation but said regarding Pope that “It’s not UM’s fault with him, I had to break it down to him. He became Mark Pope by working hard, has to keep working. He’s not leaving as of now but if things don’t change he might try. It’s all on him and UM.”

Also Mike Harley has been mentioned as a possible guy who could leave but just spoke to a third source who said he's not going anywhere. But he also said this: “He’s just there. You get what I’m saying? He doesn’t understand what’s going on and I said just trust the process.”

Also, Jeff Thomas is away from the team but still in Miami.

Mark's not playing? Really? I've seen him on the field a bunch. He's never open.
Trying to get away from this pox-ridden season like
Jeff Thomas just left the team to get his head straight... he’s having an emotional tantrum but he’ll be alright what he thinks he’s going to go to another school that’s going to let him have everything his way??

Be smart my guy better to deal with the devil you know than the one you don’t
Was your dad around I’m sure he was but was just as soft as you are smh It’s obvious u were the in house nerd that only came outside with bubble wrap on for “protection”

Are you going to be at the upcoming Heisman ceremony for Rosier? Oh one more thing, you're a little faqquit in real life and should kill yourself. Thanks in advance.
Jeff Thomas just left the team to get his head straight... he’s having an emotional tantrum but he’ll be alright what he thinks he’s going to go to another school that’s going to let him have everything his way??

Be smart my guy better to deal with the devil you know than the one you don’t

I hope your right. These are kids and sometimes we forget that part. I remember that I did not make the smartest decisions when I was their age but I also did not have a great role model to straighten me out. I hope Thomas does have someone he can look up to and maybe they can get him to calm down and make a proper decision no matter what that might be....
It was mentioned by insiders on this forum that the locker room was lost in the very first game with the issues of AR and MR. But posters here want photo and audio as evidence. The handling of the AR hidden suspension and later medical issue was just terrible by the staff.. Then after the UV fiasco the locker room imploded but again posters dismiss everything unless you have 5K posts.

So you’re mad that posters don’t take the word of anonymous strangers without evidence? Lol

Even after he was forced to retire you still believe AR was suspended? Maybe the injury was serious enough that they didn’t want to announce it until they knew for sure
You can look back and see I’ve criticized CMR plenty. But if the kid is bolting after what he did Saturday and only two games left you also have to look at the kid.

Biggest problem I see is people saying it’s 100% in this or 100% on that.

It’s not always that way.
Yea you’ve criticized richt plenty, u and I both the see the same problem.

Theres def something up w the kid... but he’s a kid. Richt needs to keep that player here. Jimmy isn’t letting a player like that leave.

Is JT a flake? Prolly. Is he immature? Prolly. Is the situation likely because of his inability to handle things like an adult? Prolly.

But richt needs to keep his star players.
Maybe just maybe when cmr said Malik gives us the best chance to win he meant his attitude preparation and desire to do whatever is asked of him. Kid took getting benched like a man and stayed on the sideline like a leader.
I had my doubts as a baller but as a teammate those doubts are gone.
Maybe that’s what cmr wants and some of these kids aren’t getting it.
These sofla kids are in the dumps cause they have buddies on other teams with a better record and they're gering bashed on twitter and they’re catching little girl tampon pain when instead they should dig in and ball and do whatever it takes.
However jt4 didn’t seem to fit that mold. So idk what to say about that.
I remember in the service some dude got sent back home and kicked out cause he was involved in a pretty bad crime a year before he enlisted. It took a whole 3 years for that crime to catch up to him cause someone got jailed on another crime and offered info on an unsolved crime he knew about and rolled on his boy who was 2 years into a 4 year military contract.
I hope your right. These are kids and sometimes we forget that part. I remember that I did not make the smartest decisions when I was their age but I also did not have a great role model to straighten me out. I hope Thomas does have someone he can look up to and maybe they can get him to calm down and make a proper decision no matter what that might be....

They aren't kids. Last I checked, all of them are 18 or older. Why do we have such low expectations for 18+ year old that we still call them kids? Maybe that is part of the problem.