2024 DB Zavier Mincey

Dang was hoping for Gator tears as I’m going through turdsville on my way home from Atlanta.

Ferrelli is having a hellllll of a week. Dennis smith feeding bad info to ppl making the school staff and fans all look like clowns. Dennis smith is the worst
Culprit #1 is Dennis Smith. There was absolutely no good reason to publicly announce that another commitment was coming this weekend. I can’t believe Mario allows that crap.
Look at his resume. Guy should never have this job. Such an important job too and we have an incompetent guy handling it. Mario better make a change soon this issue is going to get worse
Culprit #1 is Dennis Smith. There was absolutely no good reason to publicly announce that another commitment was coming this weekend. I can’t believe Mario allows that crap.
I don’t like Smith and his schtick as much as the next guy, but Mario strikes me as too much of a control freak to let him continually do that on his own. JMO.
Gabby gave the info and said he didn't think it was him for him for this weekend just that we were in a good spot. Not sure how people took that and ran with it after he said it's prob not him. People be trying to hope stuff into existence.
Curious how that even happens. Some of these so called insiders were over there tweeting gifs and memes hinting it was mincey. How do u mess that up