"Day After" thoughts

It is what it is. I would have preferred a guy with head coaching experience, but I'm going to support the team. Manny said some things this morning on the Joe Rose show that I liked. He wants an offense that's aggressive just like the the defense. I'm going to give him a chance.
He has prior HC experience. He was the head coach at temple.
Now that I've gotten a couple hours of sleep, I've had a chance to reflect on yesterday's turn of events. My initial reaction to the Diaz hire was "F'uck no!" I truly thought I was in the middle of an endless nightmare. You know, the kind where you wake up right before Scarlett Johansson actually licks Halle Berry in your bed. Why does that keep f'ucking happening? Though I am still not sold on the hire, I can admit that my initial reaction may have been a bit premature. Not, "busting a nut as soon as the tip gets in" premature, but more like "taking her to dinner first when she was going to let you hit regardless" premature.

It's hard to put too much weight into anything Diaz says, because he has the gift of gab like no other on this side of the Mississippi. The guy can sell hot frying oil to a chicken. Having said that, after listening to him on WQAM this morning I came away with the following:
1. He is cleaning house on offense
2. The offensive philosophy will be innovative
3. Our team will take on his aggressive mindset
4. The defense will remain the same.

When I think about it, when I woke up yesterday morning, Richt was the coach and very minimum changes were going to be made on the offensive side of the ball. Now, that is no longer the case, which is a HUGE WIN!

Diaz defense is not a top 2 defense, but it is a very solid defense, nonetheless. Paired with the right offense, we will definitely compete for a playoff spot on a yearly basis. ****, we were one game away from the playoffs with Richt's s'hitty offense.

Most importantly, the mindset of our team is going to change. Our players acted/played just like Richt coaches....conservative, slow, lazy and content. Now that we will have a team that mirrors Diaz mindset, that is beyond encouraging.

Lazy hire? Absolutely! The same can be said for Oklahoma with Lincoln Riley, and for Ohio State with Day. Blake still needs to be fired! But with the right pieces in place on offense, many of us are going to get exactly what we wanted, regardless of the fact the the person at the helm, is not the name that we may have desired!

You, sir, are a treasure. You sell yourself short when you say Manny has the gift of gab like no other this side of the Ole Man River.

Sell frying oil to a chicken... hat ****, bro. Gonna chuckle on that one for days.

From your lips to God’s ears. Let’s will it into existence baby!!!!!!
I just want to point something out here about Manny,.. He knows how "we" are as fans,... And he knows were toxic right now!!

He ran, like a man on fire, to jump back in the middle of it all, when he found out about richt departing. The man has balls!!

During our bowl beat down, did you guys notice how f'ng mad (furious) he was about our performance?,.. Hes got fire, he hungry!!
If he puts the right people around him, this could get fun, quick. The team is pretty well built, thin in some areas, ....
I'm intrigued.
He has prior HC experience. He was the head coach at temple.

I had my tantrum and tequila,.last night, after the announcement,.but have let it all sink in. I'm a Manny, as DC, fan and didn't like to see him leave for Temple, but he wasn't a name I would have even considered as HC. I know the kids like him - but we've been down that dark road twice. Players, should not be making Million dollar decisions. I believed time would be taken to interview multiple candidates - before we backed up the armoured truck. My thought now, is that the search and hiring process has been going on - most of the season. I honestly don't think Richt wanted to keep the gig and set things in motion long ago.

Anyway - Manny is the coach and that's that. I want him to succeed - at a high level. I'm cautiously optimistic that he's a guy that's got the fire and drive, to make the changes and adjustments, that need to be made. Not gonna slurp, but I'm not going mope around kicking rocks, like a little ***** - plenty of people here will play that part.

Congrats, coach Diaz :11263272045-489f4f7972-o:
OSU and Okie are terrible comparisons. Those programs were actually winning and just handed the keys off to hot coaching commodities that they would soon lose to other programs. Not the same to our situation in the least.
I disagree. We finished top 10 last year and were one win away from the playoffs. We went into this year ranked 8th and was picked by virtually every expert to at least repeat last year's performance of finishing in top 10. **** hit the fan, obviously. Miami hiring Diaz is closer to the OSU and OU situation than it is to when Miami hired Shannon/Coker. OU fans had been screening for years, in efforts and hopes of replacing Stoops.

No, I do not think that our program is currently at the level of OSU or OU, but we are a lot closer to that than we are the 7-6 **** show that we just displayed.
Now that I've gotten a couple hours of sleep, I've had a chance to reflect on yesterday's turn of events. My initial reaction to the Diaz hire was "F'uck no!" I truly thought I was in the middle of an endless nightmare. You know, the kind where you wake up right before Scarlett Johansson actually licks Halle Berry in your bed. Why does that keep f'ucking happening? Though I am still not sold on the hire, I can admit that my initial reaction may have been a bit premature. Not, "busting a nut as soon as the tip gets in" premature, but more like "taking her to dinner first when she was going to let you hit regardless" premature.

It's hard to put too much weight into anything Diaz says, because he has the gift of gab like no other on this side of the Mississippi. The guy can sell hot frying oil to a chicken. Having said that, after listening to him on WQAM this morning I came away with the following:
1. He is cleaning house on offense
2. The offensive philosophy will be innovative
3. Our team will take on his aggressive mindset
4. The defense will remain the same.

When I think about it, when I woke up yesterday morning, Richt was the coach and very minimum changes were going to be made on the offensive side of the ball. Now, that is no longer the case, which is a HUGE WIN!

Diaz defense is not a top 2 defense, but it is a very solid defense, nonetheless. Paired with the right offense, we will definitely compete for a playoff spot on a yearly basis. ****, we were one game away from the playoffs with Richt's s'hitty offense.

Most importantly, the mindset of our team is going to change. Our players acted/played just like Richt coaches....conservative, slow, lazy and content. Now that we will have a team that mirrors Diaz mindset, that is beyond encouraging.

Lazy hire? Absolutely! The same can be said for Oklahoma with Lincoln Riley, and for Ohio State with Day. Blake still needs to be fired! But with the right pieces in place on offense, many of us are going to get exactly what we wanted, regardless of the fact the the person at the helm, is not the name that we may have desired!

I think your points are right on track with what most fans are thinking. However, the point that keeps getting made is that his defense is not top 2, top 5 or top 10. IMHO, no one knows what his defense is since we really have had no offense to pair it with. Give me an offense like what Georgia runs where they run and pass 60/40 split and eat up clock AND score points. Manny D is at it's best when we have a lead and our defense can pin it's ears back. Give me an offense that can put up some points and eat clock giving our D some rest in the game and I think we could be a top 5 defense. ****, probably the top defense in the nation because we play in the ACC.

I thought this hire was made too quickly and I would have liked them to at least interviewed some people such has Mark Stoops, Matt Campbell, etc but it's done. Manny can do well here but he needs to hire a innovative OC and build a strong recruiting staff. We can't keep losing highly rated kids out of Florida and expect to compete with the top teams in the nation.

I'm anxious to see what happens.

I disagree. We finished top 10 last year and were one win away from the playoffs. We went into this year ranked 8th and was picked by virtually every expert to at least repeat last year's performance of finishing in top 10. **** hit the fan, obviously. Miami hiring Diaz is closer to the OSU and OU situation than it is to when Miami hired Shannon/Coker. OU fans had been screening for years, in efforts and hopes of replacing Stoops.

No, I do not think that our program is currently at the level of OSU or OU, but we are a lot closer to that than we are the 7-6 **** show that we just displayed.
We can agree to disagree ... having one good year of 10 wins (which looking back included a lot of luck in close games and could have just as easily been a 7-8 win season) mixed in with a bunch of subpar years is not anywhere close to what OSU and Okie have done as a program *consistently* over the past 15 years or so while we have sucked.
The hire is problematic (for a number of reasons that have been discussed) for most intelligent folks I would suspect; however, as Rumy once said, "You go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want or wish." Manny seems to have a bit of dog in him, a bit of a savage, and is hungry. This model has worked before here. If Manny becomes too loyal to second-rate coaching and recruiters because they are his Samba buddies, he will suffer a cruel fate - for the same reasons that led to Golden and Richt's undoing. However, if he can fight his urges to reward guys "he is comfortable with" and may play dominoes with at Maximo Gomez Park then he can succeed here. Miami is still amateur-hour compared to the kings of college football - but as most understand now, UM is not in this game any more to win Nattys and Jimma or Butch aint ever walkin through that door again. Those were beautiful days but most of us are simply, in the words of Simon in TT2, "tourists in our own youth" these days. I hope Manny succeeds. I don't think he will - not to the standard that most older Cane fans who have seen what it CAN look like, but probably to a standard higher than moribund-Richt and perhaps Golden. But it is in Manny's hands (and I suspect the $-keepers), what will he do? Will he round out this staff with more amateurs, more sycophants, more "his guys." Or will he be a savage, reject "yes-men" that are merely happy for the chance to wear a Cane's polo. He says the right things, but it is again time to **** or get off the pot - I hope his stool is well-formed and voluminous.
He may be another bust but i'm rolling with Manny.

He seems to have that it factor. Yea yea I know Golden talked a mean game too but Golden never had a top 5 defense at temple.

Manny proved this season he can adjust and produce results on his side. The guy is clearly bright.

Can he run a program and recruit? I sure as **** hope so, but I have a good feeling about him and always have since he got hired.
You, sir, are a treasure. You sell yourself short when you say Manny has the gift of gab like no other this side of the Ole Man River.

Sell frying oil to a chicken... hat ****, bro. Gonna chuckle on that one for days.

From your lips to God’s ears. Let’s will it into existence baby!!!!!!
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