Darrion Owens

Instantly became my favorite recruit, it says a lot about him. Makes me believe even more that he was be extremely successful here
Shout out and mad respect to Darrion. The world not just UM needs more young men like this that handle their biz and have their priorities straight. :crownpour:
If you speak to the kid again, give him some props from the fam.

Recruits run into academic issues all of the time, but rarely do you see a kid decide on a school with above-bottom-barrell academic requirements and then keep his head down and bust his *** to qualify.

He knew what he wanted, he knew how to get it, and he made it happen. Wish other kids would take notes.
I think this deserves its own thread. Owens early enrolled today at Miami. Just some tibits on the work he did

Messages from his coach:

"He busted his a**. Did 3 semesters of work online in 6 weeks."

"Spent 12-15 hours a day on the computer"

"He was joking with me he might be a little out of shape cuz he hasn't worked out since he started. He said even in California for the Semper fi and their down time he was doing work."

Now that's a freakin kid u want on ur team!
That's one helluva of a job by this young man! Can't wait to see him on the field...
What happened to the *** GIFS?

Love this kid. I'm liking the players we are getting on defense. Just hope we will do something with them.